El zoológico preguntó y °Õ³Ü³¦²õó²Ô respondió.
Conozcan a la bebé elefanta de Reid Park Zoo, Mapenzi.
La semana pasada, el zoológico y el ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ realizaron una encuesta para ayudar a nombrar a la elefanta que nació a principios de este mes. El equipo de cuidado de elefantes del zoológico creó tres nombres, todos derivados del swahili.
Más de 17,000 votos fueron contados en la encuesta.
Mapenzi, que significa amado, se llevó el oro con más de 7,600 votos. Amani, que significa paz, se quedó atrás con casi 7,100 votos.
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Zawadi, que significa regalo, quedó en tercer lugar.
La crÃa se une a la madre Semba, el padre Mabu, la hermana Nandi, el hermano Sundzu y Lungile, que según el personal del zoológico es como una tÃa para los elefantes más jóvenes. Todos sus nombres también tienen vÃnculos con su tierra natal, por lo que el zoológico querÃa continuar la tradición con Mapenzi.
"Todos los nombres son realmente significativos para nosotros", dijo el lunes la supervisora ​​de elefantes Cassie Dodds. "Y es significativo para la comunidad ayudarla a nombrarla".
"Mapenzi es el nombre perfecto para esta pequeña crÃa, ya que todos sus admiradores y la manada de elefantes la adoran", dijo la directora de operaciones zoológicas, Sue Tygielski.
La mayorÃa del equipo de elefantes estaba en el zoológico cuando Semba dio a luz el 6 de abril.
"Fue bastante sorprendente que todos pudiéramos estar aquà y ser parte de esa experiencia", dice Dodds, y agrega que fue un parto sin problemas.
En cuestión de segundos, Mapenzi, que pesaba 295 libras al nacer y ahora pesa 315 libras, estaba tratando de ponerse de pie. Ella amamantó en los primeros 30 minutos.
Aunque Mapenzi tiene menos de tres semanas, muestra mucha personalidad.
"Ella está haciendo todo lo que un bebé elefante sano deberÃa estar haciendo en este momento y tiene toneladas de energÃa lúdica y es muy aventurera", dice Dodds.
Mapenzi también sigue mucho a su hermana mayor, Nandi, de 5 años, quien fue la primera elefanta que nació en ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
Aunque el zoológico está actualmente cerrado en medio de la pandemia de coronavirus, los habitantes de °Õ³Ü³¦²õó²Ô pueden mantenerse al dÃa con la manada de elefantes y todos los demás animales en o .
80+ photos of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥'s baby elephant Penzi

Penzi at almost a year old, weighing about 1,075 pounds.

Penzi and Nandi spending time together.

“She teaches us all to love and protect elephants,†said elephant supervisor Cassie Dodds, of Penzi.

Although Penzi plays with Nandi the most, she's had good interactions with the rest of the herd. Pictured with Nandi here are Lungile and Semba.

At 11 months old, Penzi is starting to get her tusks, her favorite food is cucumber and she still loves to play with her big sister Nandi.

Penzi and Nandi are still close as ever, despite Penzi receiving etiquette lessons from Nandi in January.

Penzi reached 1,000 pounds quicker than her sister Nandi.

As a 10-month-old elephant, Penzi is starting to become more independent from her mom.

Penzi continues to be social with the rest of the herd. This photo shows her with big sister Nandi and mama Semba.

Penzi is now 10 months old and weighs 980 pounds.
Reid Park Zoo snow day

Reid Park Zoo's elephant calf Penzi enjoyed her first snow day on Jan. 26, 2021.
Reid Park Zoo snow day

Reid Park Zoo's elephant calf Penzi enjoyed her first snow day on Jan. 26, 2021.
Reid Park Zoo snow day

Reid Park Zoo's elephant calf Penzi enjoyed her first snow day on Jan. 26, 2021.
Reid Park Zoo snow day

Reid Park Zoo's elephant calf Penzi, seen here with mom Semba, enjoyed her first snow day on Jan. 26, 2021.
Reid Park Zoo snow day

Reid Park Zoo's elephant calf Penzi, seen here with mom Semba, enjoyed her first snow day on Jan. 26, 2021.
Reid Park Zoo snow day

Reid Park Zoo's elephant calf Penzi, seen here with big sister Nandi, enjoyed her first snow day on Jan. 26, 2021.
Reid Park Zoo snow day

Reid Park Zoo's elephant calf Penzi, seen here with big sister Nandi, enjoyed her first snow day on Jan. 26, 2021.
Reid Park Zoo snow day

Reid Park Zoo's elephant calf Penzi, seen here with big sister Nandi, enjoyed her first snow day on Jan. 26, 2021.
Reid Park Zoo snow day

Reid Park Zoo's elephant calf Penzi enjoyed her first snow day on Jan. 26, 2021.
Reid Park Zoo snow day

Reid Park Zoo's elephant calf Penzi enjoyed her first snow day on Jan. 26, 2021.

Penzi is now 9 months old and weighs 900 pounds.

Penzi is pictured here with aunt Lungile and big sister Nandi.

Now 9 months old, Penzi is still as close as ever with her big sister Nandi.

At 9 months old, Penzi enjoys creating muddy slip-and-slides with big sister Nandi.

Mapenzi — Penzi for short — was born to African elephant Semba on April 6. She joined sister Nandi, dad Mabu, brother Sundzu and aunt Lungile at the zoo.

Penzi likes to find things around her habitat to interact with — food to eat, a log to balance on or toys to play with.

Now eight months old, Penzi is still close as ever with sister Nandi.

Now eight months old, Penzi is still close as ever with sister Nandi.

Though she’s growing more independent, Penzi loves her playtime with big sister Nandi.

ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ elephant calf Penzi is now 8 months old and 815 pounds.

Elephant calf Penzi was born in April and is now tipping the scale at 735 pounds.

Lately, Penzi has been loving hay, leaves and tree branches.

Penzi’s current hobbies include eating and keeping up with the rest of the herd.

Reid Park Zoo
A pesar de su creciente independencia, Mapenzi está interactuando y socializando más con el resto de la manada.

Reid Park Zoo
Mapenzi -Penzi para abreviar- nació del elefante africano Semba, el 6 de abril. Se unió a su hermana Nandi, su padre Mabu, su hermano Sundzu y la tÃa Lungile.

Reid Park Zoo
A los seis meses, la crÃa de elefante Mapenzi se ha convertido en una gran aficionada a la lechuga, el pepino y el heno.

Born weighing 295 pounds, Mapenzi has doubled that five months later, now weighing 600 pounds. The Reid Park Zoo, 3400 E. Zoo Court, reopened at the end of August.

Mapenzi runs through her enclosure at Reid Park Zoo, 3400 E. Zoo Court, on Aug. 25, 2020.
Reid Park Zoo reopens

Mapenzi picks up and chews on plants in her enclosure at Reid Park Zoo located at 3400 E. Zoo Ct., on Aug. 25, 2020.Â
Reid Park Zoo reopens

Mapenzi, the four-month-old elephant calf, runs through her enclosure at Reid Park Zoo located at 3400 E. Zoo Ct., on Aug. 25, 2020.Â
Reid Park Zoo reopens

Mapenzi, the four-month-old elephant calf, walks through her enclosure at Reid Park Zoo located at 3400 E. Zoo Ct., on Aug. 25, 2020.Â
Reid Park Zoo reopens

Mapenzi (left), the four-month-old elephant calf, and her sister Nandi inside their enclosure at Reid Park Zoo located at 3400 E. Zoo Ct., on Aug. 25, 2020.Â
Reid Park Zoo reopens

Mapenzi, the four-month-old elephant calf, runs with the rest of her herd at Reid Park Zoo located at 3400 E. Zoo Ct., on Aug. 25, 2020.Â
Reid Park Zoo reopens

Mapenzi, the four-month-old elephant calf, gnaws on plants at Reid Park Zoo located at 3400 E. Zoo Ct,, on Aug. 25, 2020.Â
Reid Park Zoo reopens

Mapenzi, the four-month-old elephant calf, drinks water at Reid Park Zoo located at 3400 E. Zoo Ct., on Aug. 25, 2020.Â
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Four-month-old Mapenzi enjoys hanging out with big sister Nandi. "She wants to be attached and learning everything Nandi is doing," said Reid Park Zoo elephant supervisor Cassie Dodds. Â
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

This photo of Penzi was taken around her 4-month mark.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

At 4 months old, Mapenzi weighs 546 pounds. She enjoys eating beet pulp, which is the root of a sugar beet soaked into an oatmeal-like texture.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥an will be able to again see the Reid Park Zoo’s elephants and other creatures starting Aug. 28.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Penzi celebrated her 4-month birthday with her first dip into the mud wallow.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Mapenzi, born April 6, is very social with the other elephants in the Reid Park Zoo herd.Â
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Penzi continues to be timid around deep mud wallows but she has started to creep up to the side. Reid Park Zoo staff creates smaller puddles for her.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

At 3 months old, Mapenzi — Penzi for short — is learning to come when Reid Park Zoo keepers call her and has voluntarily allowed staff to draw blood without giving any reaction.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Penzi’s teeth have come in, so she’s been interested in eating bits of hay, grass and leaves. Her favorite food is lettuce.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Two-month-old Mapenzi was born at Reid Park Zoo on April 6, 2020.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Two-month-old Mapenzi was born at Reid Park Zoo on April 6, 2020.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Two-month-old Mapenzi can now put things in her mouth using her trunk.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo’s baby elephant, Mapenzi, is learning to cool herself down in the mud wallows, though she is still a bit cautious.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

At 1 month old, Reid Park Zoo’s baby elephant, Mapenzi, is starting to use her trunk more accurately.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo’s baby elephant, Mapenzi, turned 1 month old on May 6.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo's baby elephant was born on April 6.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo's baby elephant was born on April 6.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo's baby elephant was born on April 6.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo's baby elephant was born on April 6.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo's baby elephant was born on Monday, April 6.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo's baby elephant was born on Monday, April 6.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo's baby elephant was born on Monday, April 6.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Here's a shot of Reid Park Zoo's baby elephant, pictured with big sister Nandi and mama Semba.Â
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo in ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥, ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ is proud to announce that Semba, the zoo’s African elephant matriarch, gave birth to a calf at 3:33 a.m., Monday, April 6, 2020. The female calf who weighed in at 295 pounds is healthy, standing, and nursing.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo in ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥, ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ is proud to announce that Semba, the zoo’s African elephant matriarch, gave birth to a calf at 3:33 a.m., Monday, April 6, 2020. The female calf who weighed in at 295 pounds is healthy, standing, and nursing.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo in ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥, ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ is proud to announce that Semba, the zoo’s African elephant matriarch, gave birth to a calf at 3:33 a.m., Monday, April 6, 2020. The female calf who weighed in at 295 pounds is healthy, standing, and nursing.
Reid Park Zoo, baby elephant

Reid Park Zoo in ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥, ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ is proud to announce that Semba, the zoo’s African elephant matriarch, gave birth to a calf at 3:33 a.m., Monday, April 6, 2020. The female calf who weighed in at 295 pounds is healthy, standing, and nursing.
Reid Park Zoo

Shelby Maerling, an elephant care professional at the Reid Park Zoo, conducts her morning routine health check on Semba, an African elephant, on March 12, 2020. Semba is currently pregnant and is due sometime in mid-April.
Reid Park Zoo

Shelby Maerling, left, and Savannah Beck, elephant care professionals, conduct their morning routine health checks on Samba, left, and Nandi, both African elephants, at the Reid Park Zoo on March 12, 2020. Semba is currently pregnant and is due sometime in mid-April. The sex of the calf is unknown.
Reid Park Zoo

Semba, an African elephant, walks around her enclosure at the Reid Park Zoo on March 12, 2020. Semba is currently pregnant and is due sometime in mid-April. The sex, height or weight of the calf is unknown.
Reid Park Zoo

Ann Forsberg-Doyle, a docent, keeps a watch on Semba, an African elephant, at the Reid Park Zoo on March 12, 2020. Semba is pregnant and due sometime in mid-April. Her movements and behavior are recorded every five minutes twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week by staff and volunteers at the zoo.
Reid Park Zoo

Martha Hendricks, left, and Ann Forsberg-Doyle, both docents, keep a watch on Semba, an African elephant, at the Reid Park Zoo on March 12, 2020. Semba is pregnant and due sometime in mid-April. Her movements and behavior are recorded every five minutes twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week by staff and volunteers at the zoo.
Reid Park Zoo

Shelby Maerling, an elephant care professional at the Reid Park Zoo, conducts her morning routine health check on Semba, an African elephant, on March 12, 2020. Semba is currently pregnant and is due sometime in mid-April.
Reid Park Zoo

Shelby Maerling, an elephant care professional at the Reid Park Zoo, conducts her morning routine health check on Semba, an African elephant, on March 12, 2020. With arm gestures, Maerling has Semba walk backwards. Semba is currently pregnant and is due sometime in mid-April.
Reid Park Zoo

Savannah Beck, a lead elephant care professional at the Reid Park Zoo, conducts her morning routine health check on Nandi, an African elephant, on March 12, 2020. Nandi's mother, Semba, is currently pregnant and is due sometime in mid-April. The sex of the calf is unknown.
Reid Park Zoo

Martha Hendricks, a docent, records on a tablet that Semba, an African elephant, was eating at the Reid Park Zoo on March 12, 2020. Semba is pregnant and due sometime in mid-April. Her movements and behavior are recorded every five minutes twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week by staff and volunteers at the zoo.