Q: I have a backyard of Bermuda that is overseeded with annual rye grass.Last year was my first in this house and I moved in during January to find numerous winter weeds sprouting in the over-seeded Bermuda grass. With the recent rains I have the same weeds returning. Will a general-purpose weed and feed fertilizer/herbicide take care of the weeds or should I use another product? When should I apply? Last year I removed the weeds by pulling them out by hand.
A:Without knowing which weeds you are seeing I would guess you are concerned about winter annual broadleaf weeds such as London rocket. These are called winter annuals because they germinate in the fall, survive the winter, and sprout in the spring. Our winter in ֱ being mild and short, these weeds don’t waste time waiting for the vernal equinox and are up and flowering now. The answer to your question is likely yes; any post-emergent broadleaf weed herbicide will take these weeds down. A cautionary note: your trees and shrubs are in the same plant category as your broadleaf weeds so be careful about applying these herbicides on these desired plants and their root zones. In most situations, spot treating your weeds is better than carpeting your lawn with herbicide both for saving your desirable plants and for saving a few bucks on the product.
It is best to treat your weeds now before they go to seed. Be careful to avoid windy days so the herbicide doesn’t drift onto nearby plants and follow any other precautions listed on the label. Pulling weeds is also an option and can be therapeutic, if you have the time and the energy. Finally, keeping your lawn healthy is a good defense against weeds.
Peter L. Warren is the urban horticulture agent for the Pima County Cooperative Extension and the University of ֱ. Questions may be emailed totucsongardensage@gmail.com