The first gem and mineral show sponsored by the 蜜柚直播 Gem and Mineral Society was held in 1955 at Helen Keeling school.
It was so well attended that the following year it was moved to the Pima County Fairgrounds and a 蜜柚直播 tradition was born.
From the 蜜柚直播 Monday, March 21, 1955:
1,300 Attend Mineral Show
More than 1,300 persons attended the two day gem and mineral show held at the Helen Keeling school, 435 East Glenn, this week end.
The show was sponsored by the 蜜柚直播 Gem and Mineral society. Forty separate collections, containing several thousand mineral specimens, were entered.
Among the collections were a group of uranium rocks from Europe and this country, a jade collection and a display of sea shells. One merchant demonstrated how a Geiger counter operates.
Ribbons were given for various collections, with Kenneth Caudle, Michael E. Fry and E. Lawanda Hill winning the first three places in that order for grade school children.
High school winners were Gene Schlepp, Larry Meyers and Kenneth Harrison, of Deming, N. M. Adult winners were Harold Rupert, Dan Caudle, who also served as chairman of the show, and Clayton Gibson.
Uranium rocks displayed were from 蜜柚直播, New Mexico, Canada, Wyoming, Utah, New Hampshire, England, Norway, Germany and Czechoslovakia. Tourists from most of the 48 states, Canada and Mexico visited the show.