ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ speaks up: Letters to the editor for the week of Mar. 14, 2025
- Updated
Our weekly round-up of letters published in the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
Letter: Letter commenting on ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Opinion: "Fiction abounds in a letter to the editor" Mar. 11).
- Daniel Pryor, West side
Mr. Michael A. Chihak is serious in the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Opinion: "Fiction abounds in a letter to the editor" (Mar. 11). The contents of the letter he questions gives him a chance to excoriate the obvious Republican constituent. Fair enough, although I wouldn't characterize the letter in question as real-truth in facts. It seems the letter's intent is to exaggerate some of the Democratic Party's political positions. Such as illegal immigration when the letter says: "to promote an open border for all with no vetting." That has to be taken as tongue-in-cheek.
I posit the letter in question is worthy of the Babylon Bee, as an ironic or sarcastic illustration explaining the shortcomings of the Democratic Party. The writer of the letter Mr. Chihak skewers should apply for employment at the Babylon Bee. Any letter to the editor needs to "foolproof" its content so as to be above reproach. Otherwise, label your letter as satire.
Daniel Pryor
West side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Sally Wasielewski, East side
The pundits, journalists, comedians and all the rest are spinning their wheels over the Trump Show need to stop wasting their time and answer the only real issue: who benefits from economic chaos? It's not wage earners or retirees on fixed incomes or small business owners. Only the speculators with deep pockets benefit from the flip flopping of the stock market, which Trump is orchestrating -- not from whims or impulse but as pay back to wealthy supporters. At one time we had a crime called insider trading. But when the Dept of Justice and the FBI have been gutted and remade to do the biding of a convicted felon who went unpunished for his crime, no worries for those in the know.
Sally Wasielewski
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Roger Shanley, East side
ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Supreme Court justice Clint Bolick warned recently of dangers to democracy if “the president should get to decide his own constitutional authority, which means he has no limits,†likening current efforts to those used by “authoritarian regimes.†He cautioned against removing and replacing judges without cause, noting a later administration might follow the same strategy. Bolick’s comments follow efforts by Republican lawmakers in Montana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia to weaken or eliminate state judicial powers. Hopefully, comments like Bolick’s and other national judges will end both the Senate and House’s inability to stand up to President Trump in favor of their country and constituents.
Roger Shanley
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Jose Salgado, Northeast side
I am reading about the poor veterans who are now unemployed due to Trump's cleanup of the nation’s overspending. I read about their used to be jobs in the government and are now wondering what they are going to do now to support themselves and their families. These are guys who served the United States with their lives. Just want you to know I spent two years in Vietnam as a marine.
Here is my question. What reason do you have for voting for Trump?
Jose Salgado
Northeast side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Richard Eaton, West side
I can't fathom the war with our biggest trade partner Canada! What is the issue? What does he think this is, South Park? There's no migration or drug issue. That's just another of the Trumpster's hallucinations. If you know anything about Canada you would see why this is just stupid; we will all pay dearly for his folly.
They say we get the government we deserve. At least some of us do. Republicans, grow a spine and put a stop to this now.
Richard Eaton
West side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Richard Pierson, Southwest side
Your Sunday Nation & World article “Russian attacks kill 22†in my opinion is a direct result of the administration’s withdrawal of U.S. satellite intelligence capability in retaliation for not saying thank-you enough. Come on, this is not kids play. Stop it now or WWIII with atomic warheads will be falling on us.
Richard Pierson
Southwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Margie McDonnell, East side
Current Trump post, "Can you imagine Canada stooping so low as to use electricity, that so affects the life
of innocent people, as a bargaining chip and threat?"
Can you imagine Trump stooping so low as to abandon Ukraine, that so affects the life of innocent people as a bargaining chip and threat?
Margie McDonnell
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Toni Kane, Oro Valley
It is not "America First" to be pulling the economic rug out from those who voted for, and did not vote for, the winner of the November election. ALL voters now have to pay more because of Trump placed tariffs. I am sure Minnesota, New York, and Michigan do not want to be charged 25 per cent more for Canadian electricity. Certainly, those who voted for Trump did not plan on losing money because of market instability. Trump's tariffs will affect the price of all commodities and goods for all of us.
Toni Kane
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Lollie Butler, Midtown
As a social Worker for forty years in this community, serving those that suffer from mental illness, I see many who are poverty-stricken. They are despondent due to this administration's actions. Many go without meals so they can afford vital medications. Donald and his billionaire sidekick Elon are busy serving the wealthy and waging economic warfare on our allies -- which will of course boomerang. (Check the price of Canadian and Mexican imported goods). My concern is that funds earmarked for mental illness will be cut further and that many in this nation of plenty will go as hungry as my father did during the Great Depression. We have forgotten that the hallmark of a civilized nation depends on how it treats its elderly and disabled.
Lollie Butler
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Barbara Benjamin, Foothills
As a Jew who spent my formative years in New York where Trump and his father overtly practiced antisemitism and racism, I worry and fear that Trump is setting Jews up as scapegoats because of his attempt to deport Mahmoud Kalil on the pretext of opposing antisemitism. Let there be no doubt that Trump is a virulent anti-Semite, bigot and racist. He should not be permitted to violate the First Amendment's protections under the guise of opposing antisemitism. In short, Trump doesn't care about Jews and he's setting us up, once again, as scapegoats: Protests will rage against Jews under the guise of protecting free speech. Trump's trying to kill two birds with one stone.
Barbara Benjamin
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Vanessa Romero, Midtown
Not much legislation is getting passed these days. Who knows whether that’s due to dysfunction or the lack of appetite for any meaningful reform. But the Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act was recently re-introduced and it will ensure Medicare beneficiaries have access to this new screening technology. I would like to thank Democrat Senator Mark Kelly and Republican Congressman Juan Ciscomani for co-sponsoring the bill in their respective chambers. Currently, most cancers lack routine screening methods, leaving too many patients unmotivated to get screened until it is too late. MCED tests can revolutionize early detection and save countless lives while reducing the burdens that come with late-stage cancer treatment. Early detection should not be a privilege — it should be a standard of care. I hope the rest of Congress follows the lead of Sen. Kelly and Rep. Ciscomani in co-sponsoring this and pushing for its passage. We need to give more Americans the chance to survive cancer through early diagnosis.
Vanessa Romero
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Pete Kasper, Foothills
The national debt problem is real, however, there is no solution without reforming entitlements to make them sustainable. Since the President and Congress have no inclination to do that, DOGE is just political theater - a cruel tragedy. Seniors who actually want to drain the swamp should opt out of Social Security and Medicare instead of saying "I earned it" while taking out far more in benefits than they paid in.
Pete Kasper
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Deb Klumpp, Oro Valley
We can sleep a lot easier, now that Jeffrey McConnell has assuaged our fears about the so-called climate crisis. He knows! No need to listen to angry right-wing radio, we get the same content almost daily in his LTEs. Let's play semantics -- "climate change", "climate crisis", "climate emergency", "global warming". No matter the words, Trump is right about climate (and everything else), according to the letter. Like Trump, he must denigrate Greta Thunberg, unhappy that a young, brilliant female is smarter than he is. I guess the California fires, North Carolina flooding, and East coast hurricanes are just normal "weather," as are the ever-shrinking ice caps -- must be AI-generated photos! And gosh, why have home insurance costs skyrocketed? Maybe Mr. McConnell should read "Why your home insurance has gone up" article from Sun. March 9. Jeffrey states "the Republican dictionary addresses climate solutions". Really? Like burning as much fossil fuel as possible? Trump and his cult are all for it. Right-wing idiocy full speed ahead!
Deb Klumpp
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Kathy Krucker, Midtown
Senator Mark Kelly represents everything America should stand for. His honorable service and loyalty to our country is without question. Kelly has put his life on the line to defend our country. It is beyond sickening and disgusting that that President Elon called Kelly “a traitor.â€
Kudos to Senator Kelly’s recent trip to Ukraine. His reporting on the continued unspeakable brutality and war crimes inflicted on the Ukrainian people should shock Americans to their very core. Yet, the Putin wing of the GOP continues to betray Ukraine by giving the green light to Russia to bomb Ukraine into the Stone Age and commit unspeakable brutality and torture.
Kelly is correct when he says “the safety of Ukraine is tied to the safety of the United States.†Any peace deal to end Russia’s invasion of Ukraine must ensure Ukraine’s security, sovereignty, and the reclaiming their territory that Russia has seized. The White House and the silent GOP are the real traitors in our country.
Kathy Krucker
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Barbara Hall, Midtown
By now, the chaos and cluelessness of the DOGE ‘reorganization’ are apparent, and the list of cut programs is so full of errors that the touted savings are questionable. Since many of the programs are culture-war targets, however, the administration can distract the MAGA base from the fact that they are a small part of federal spending -- the Republican budget will also require reductions in major health-care programs and Social Security.
According to Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, the administration’s goal is to privatize the current services of the federal government. But privatizing public goods such as weather information or air traffic control should be carefully considered, since private profit adds to costs.
Often the private sector is assumed to be more efficient than the government. DOGE provides one counterexample. Another is the Medicare Advantage program, sold to the public as a means of bringing down costs. But increased efficiency never materialized, and MA has always cost taxpayers more than traditional Medicare.
Barbara Hall
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Ed LeGendre, East side
The government bureaucracy is like a big forest. It grows from within. Old trees disperse seeds that grow. After a while, nature takes over, a wildfire clears out the cluttered underbrush letting the forest thrive.
We know this to be nature taking care of itself. Man started putting out forest fires and overcrowding of forests occurred. Then subsequent fires burn so hot and fast and all is destroyed.
Cleansing is key to a prosperous life. You feel good after a good shower, you feel good after a good workout, and you feel good after cleaning out the garage. All these require an amount of effort, not all are necessarily feel-good efforts.
The government needs a haircut, a fire of somewhat in order for it to survive. If no thinning occurs, then you get a firestorm like what happened in Los Angeles. = The fire burned away the dense undergrowth along with long established luxury homes that were entrenched within.
How will this play out? If no fire, then all is lost.
Ed LeGendre
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Tom Ryan, East side
I wrote to Rep. Ciscomani asking him to honor his oath of office by standing up to the Trump administration's flagrant violations of the rule of law. I mentioned, as examples, the firing of protected workers, and the dismantling of the congressionally approved Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and USAID.
In his response, he says “I will carefully assess any legislation related to the CFPB to determine its potential impact on our constituents and broader financial stability.†He knows full well there isn't any such legislation before Congress. These are weasel words that say to me that he has no intention to honor his oath of office by doing anything to prevent these illegal actions. He, and apparently all other Republicans in Congress, are complicit in the illegal dismantling of government agencies that provide beneficial services to the citizens of this country. Shame on them and shame on Ciscomani.
Tom Ryan
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Steven Gorenstein, Northeast side
The economy was doing reasonably well. Consumer confidence was holding up. Everything in the western hemisphere was relatively stable, except for the fallout from “Ukraine’s invasion of Russia.†But in less than two months you’ve managed to create your usual chaos and send us spinning toward a recession. Why? The only explanation I can think of is you got your marching orders from the Kremlin. What could possibly be a better gift for Putin?
Steven Gorenstein
Northeast side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- John Eric Persson, Northeast side
So, who’s gambling with World War III now? With every random, poorly thought out reaction to the Ukrainian situation in Europe, the Trump administration’s decision to reduce support to Ukraine has clearly emboldened Putin who knows his offensives will be far more effective now that Ukraine cannot “see them comingâ€. When Europe’s enemy is emboldened their anxieties and security concerns rise, tensions mount and the prospects for a broader conflict rise dramatically. Since pulling US satellite data sharing from Ukrainian military intelligence the Russians have effectively murdered nearly 2 dozen people in just 2 days. Is this genius diplomacy? How you broker “a deal†for a cease-fire? Opposition parties love to toss out the term failed policies. If this isn’t a failed policy resulting in blood on your hands, Mr. Trump, I don’t know what is. A shameful disrespect for humanity!
John Eric Persson
Northeast side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- William Muto, SaddleBrooke
The U.S. is losing the cyber war with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea; losing because these enemies have successively stolen and turned our most powerful cyber weapons, developed by our own agencies, against us. No doubt any of the above states can destroy our power grid, cause air traffic to collapse or create a disaster at any nuclear plant in the country. Undoubtedly, we have similar capabilities but who would benefit most from a first strike, who would shirk from causing such a cataclysmic event?
Trump's own useful idiot, Hegseth, has stalled any anti-Russian cyber activities lest he hurt Putin's feelings, just as we remain more vulnerable than ever and ever mindful that the most destructive and costly global attacks in history were inflicted by Russian hackers.
Not unthinkable that disgruntled intelligence agents may choose to sell out to the other side to get even for their abrupt dismissal.
We are in a dangerous mess with this administration, and we can thank useful idiot number one, Donald Trump.
William Muto
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Craig Whaley, Oro Valley
We have James Carville telling Democratic congressional members to sit back and watch the Republicans make fools of themselves while they hurt the country with their policies, decisions, antics, and lies. The Democratic Party wants us to fight back, mostly by contributing money and/or participating in the occasional protest. However, many Democratic politicians seem to avoid engaging in that same fight. Senators Kelly and Gallego, is this you? This message is mixed at best, unclear at worst.
To the Democratic Party, Senators Kelly and Gallego as well as other Democratic officeholders, please refine and clarify your message that not only works for and with your supporters, but also that rallies those supporters to actively engage in the most important political period in this country since the Civil War. The survival of democracy in the United States is at stake.
Craig Whaley
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- John Hughes, Northeast side
The following note expressed my view to Representative Ciscomani.
Please acknowledge publicly your acceptance as truth the statement of Senator Kelly on return from Ukraine in which he described testimony of nurses describing criminal behavior of Russian troops.
He described events in which such soldiers raped and then killed Ukrainian children in front of their parents.
As you have sworn, as I did, to protect the Constitution, you cannot remain silent to such atrocities.
John Hughes
Northeast side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Jeffrey McConnell, West side
On his first day in office, President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order with the goal of ‘advancing equity and racial justice through the federal government.’ Note that equity, equal outcome, was his goal not equality, equal opportunity; and whenever an adjective is inserted in front of the word justice, we no longer have it.
He was successful in infusing DEI policies into 460 programs across 24 government agencies costing tens of billions with no visibility to us taxpayers. These programs are divisive to the point of being racist and tribal, but that’s now over.
Thank you Donald Trump.
Jeffrey McConnell
West side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Paul Winger, Oro Valley
Gulf of America?
English official language?
Shouldn't it be Sea-a-Lake?
Paul Winger
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Don Gerlach, East side
Re: March 9 article "Senate votes to stop requiring notices in newspapers." Another example of government officials making it difficult to be observed and to be identified by their actions by the very people they like to brag about that they are serving. 47 must be proud of them.
Don Gerlach
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
Ciscomani hammers voters
My Member of Congress, Juan Ciscomani (R AZ-06), today stands squarely in the center of a wicked political debris field of his own making. It will be fascinating to see when and where he tells his constituents that he is voting to cut Medicaid benefits to 253,000 people in his District and slice another 43,000 citizens from receiving SNAP food stamp assistance. Republicans call them “entitled takers, not makers.â€
Until Ciscomani discloses his decision to gut these programs, this crisis will not abate. Ciscomani has led us into a wretchedly painful abyss that reeks of incompetence.
He also supports firing 80,000 VFW hospital staff nationwide. 74,000 Veterans in his District depend on VA health care.
Why is Ciscomani so betraying? It’s because of his slavish devotion to Trump’s greasy tax cuts for the filthy rich so they can buy bigger yachts.
Congressman Ciscomani, why aren’t you supporting and voting for the people who elected you, not billionaires?
Jerry Wilkerson
St Mary’s Hospital
Forewarned is forearmed: When going to the hospital in an emergency, especially at St. Mary’s, never wear jewelry of any kind, especially a $700 Apple watch, because you will never see it again. If you have to remove your jewelry for any reason, do so before leaving home.
A sadder, but wiser, emergency room patient.
Deane Ford Rook
West side
Musk limits
Depending on the timing and who you ask, the consensus is that Elon Musk is the head of DOGE. It is reasoned that he is allowed to act as such at the behest of the president, even though he is not elected nor approved by Congress. DOGE is most difficult to define, but it basically understood to be an internal agency acting in a domestic capacity to streamline government operations. As such, the head of DOGE has no authority to opine/interact in international matters. Musk has far exceeded his role in this regard. He has touted his Starlink with implications of limiting access. He has told the pope to mind his own business. He called the minister of Poland a “small Manâ€. His transgressions are endless. They need to stop.
Brode Meyer
An informed public, not!
Re: March 9 article “Senate votes to stop requiring notices in newspapers.†Another example of government officials making it difficult to be observed and to be identified by their actions by the very people they like to brag about that they are serving; 47 must be proud of them.
Don Gerlach
East side
Third option for TEP MRP
As there seems to be a stalemate between the City of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ about the its protecting the Gateway Corridors and ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Electric Power’s insistence on overhead power lines, there is a third option.
During the November 16, 2023, public meeting at the Doubletree Inn, Clark Brynner, Manager of the Transmission Line Siting for TEP, noted that the existing 8 substations at 46 K could be replaced at the same price as the 138K TEP proposed Midtown Reliability Project. He did point out the higher cost of operations and maintenance compared to the 138K line as well as lower efficiency.
From the presented maps from TEP, most neighborhoods are in fair to good shape. It’s really the UA that has future power issues. I don’t believe the statement made at that meeting that the UA power use uses about 1.5 of the 8 substations capabilities.
The TEP MRP upgrade is really for the UA and not the neighborhoods.
Matt Somers
Thoughtless saber rattling
So, who’s gambling with World War III now? With every random, poorly thought out reaction to the Ukrainian situation in Europe, the Trump administration’s decision to reduce support to Ukraine has clearly emboldened Putin who knows his offensives will be far more effective now that Ukraine cannot “see them comingâ€. When Europe’s enemy is emboldened their anxieties and security concerns rise, tensions mount and the prospects for a broader conflict rise dramatically. Since pulling U.S. satellite data sharing from Ukrainian military intelligence the Russians have effectively murdered nearly 2 dozen people in just two days. Is this genius diplomacy? How you broker “a deal†for a cease-fire? Opposition parties love to toss out the term failed policies. If this isn’t a failed policy resulting in blood on your hands, Mr. Trump, I don’t know what is. A shameful disrespect for humanity!
John Eric Persson
Northeast side
Get with the program
Gulf of America?
English official language?
Shouldn’t it be Sea-a-Lake?
Paul Winger
Oro Valley
To fire or not to fire
The government bureaucracy is like a big forest. It grows from within. Old trees disperse seeds that grow. After a while, nature takes over, a wildfire clears out the cluttered underbrush, letting the forest thrive.
We know this to be nature taking care of itself. Man started putting out forest fires and overcrowding of forests occurred. Then subsequent fires burn so hot and fast and all is destroyed.
Cleansing is key to a prosperous life. You feel good after a good shower, you feel good after a good workout, and you feel good after cleaning out the garage. All these require an amount of effort, not all are necessarily feel-good efforts.
The government needs a haircut, a fire of somewhat in order for it to survive. If no thinning occurs, then you get a firestorm like what happened in Los Angeles. The fire burned away the dense undergrowth along with long-established luxury homes that were entrenched within.
How will this play out? If no fire, then all is lost.
Ed LeGendre
East side
What makes sense
The economy was doing reasonably well. Consumer confidence was holding up. Everything in the Western hemisphere was relatively stable, except for the fallout from “Ukraine’s invasion of Russia.†But in less than two months, you’ve managed to create your usual chaos and send us spinning toward a recession. Why? The only explanation I can think of is you got your marching orders from the Kremlin. What could possibly be a better gift for Putin?
Steven Gorenstein
Northeast side
Star misleads readers
Was no one paying attention at the Daily Star? You misled your readers when you printed a large picture of Donald Trump above an article dealing with a crisis he and his administration created. The picture made the story look flattering to Trump while the facts told a different story! Whatever could have prompted you to print the picture over the headline “Giving Increases During “’Major Crisis’�
Don Benjamin
Four years later
On his first day in office, President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order with the goal of ‘advancing equity and racial justice through the federal government.’ Note that equity, equal outcome, was his goal not equality, equal opportunity; and whenever an adjective is inserted in front of the word justice, we no longer have it.
He was successful in infusing DEI policies into 460 programs across 24 government agencies costing tens of billions with no visibility to us taxpayers. These programs are divisive to the point of being racist and tribal, but that’s now over.
Thank you, Donald Trump.
Jeffrey McConnell
West side
Ciscomani silence
I wrote to Rep. Ciscomani asking him to honor his oath of office by standing up to the Trump administration’s flagrant violations of the rule of law. I mentioned, as examples, the firing of protected workers, and the dismantling of the congressionally approved Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and USAID.
In his response, he says, “I will carefully assess any legislation related to the CFPB to determine its potential impact on our constituents and broader financial stability.†He knows full well there isn’t any such legislation before Congress. These are weasel words that say to me that he has no intention to honor his oath of office by doing anything to prevent these illegal actions. He, and apparently all other Republicans in Congress, are complicit in the illegal dismantling of government agencies that provide beneficial services to the citizens of this country. Shame on them and shame on Ciscomani.
Tom Ryan
East side
Crimes in Ukraine
The following note expressed my view to Representative Ciscomani.
Please acknowledge publicly your acceptance as truth the statement of Senator Kelly on return from Ukraine in which he described testimony of nurses describing criminal behavior of Russian troops.
He described events in which such soldiers raped and then killed Ukrainian children in front of their parents.
As you have sworn, as I did, to protect the Constitution, you cannot remain silent to such atrocities.
John Hughes
Northeast side
Trickle-down useful idiots
The U.S. is losing the cyber war with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea; losing because these enemies have successively stolen and turned our most powerful cyber weapons, developed by our own agencies, against us. No doubt any of the above states can destroy our power grid, cause air traffic to collapse or create a disaster at any nuclear plant in the country. Undoubtedly, we have similar capabilities but who would benefit most from a first strike, who would shirk from causing such a cataclysmic event?
Trump’s own useful idiot, Hegseth, has stalled any anti-Russian cyber activities lest he hurt Putin’s feelings, just as we remain more vulnerable than ever and ever mindful that the most destructive and costly global attacks in history were inflicted by Russian hackers.
Not unthinkable that disgruntled intelligence agents may choose to sell out to the other side to get even for their abrupt dismissal.
We are in a dangerous mess with this administration, and we can thank useful idiot No. 1, Donald Trump.
William Muto
Mixed messages from Democrats
We have James Carville telling Democratic congressional members to sit back and watch the Republicans make fools of themselves while they hurt the country with their policies, decisions, antics, and lies. The Democratic Party wants us to fight back, mostly by contributing money and/or participating in the occasional protest. However, many Democratic politicians seem to avoid engaging in that same fight. Senators Kelly and Gallego, is this you? This message is mixed at best, unclear at worst.
To the Democratic Party, Senators Kelly and Gallego as well as other Democratic officeholders, please refine and clarify your message that not only works for and with your supporters, but also that rallies those supporters to actively engage in the most important political period in this country since the Civil War. The survival of democracy in the United States is at stake.
Craig Whaley
Oro Valley
- Dennis Rivera, Foothills
The decision by the United States President to abandon Ukraine and our European allies to the Russian Bear is the single most dangerous and un-American act by a president in my 78 years. Ukraine is literally fighting for its life, and this president wants it to continue to bleed and be handed over to the Russians. The Russians who have always hated us and hate their Ukraine neighbors. Why does this president continue to push us into the sphere of autocracies such as Russia, China, and North Korea? Why? This is madness!
Dennis Rivera
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Douglas R. Holm, East side
At last, a guest opinion that makes some common sense: "Turnaround expert warns of Armageddon for America." The federal government has debt of $36 trillion. That's more than $100,000 for every man, women and child. The guest opinion states federal revenue increased 500% and debt increased 1,000% since 1990. This happened because politicians who try to impose fiscal discipline usually get voted out of office. Interest on the debt is now 24% of revenues. In order to keep this percentage from rising, the guest opinion said we need to consider some drastic measures. This includes reducing expenditures to the bare bones by considering only what is essential to serving the needs of our taxpayers and selling federal land and buildings. If we continue on our present irresponsible course, in the near future the dollar will have to be devalued and then we will have Armageddon.
Douglas R. Holm
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- James Dolian, SaddleBrooke
Two months into the Trump presidency, we are being treated to a daily cascade of chaos courtesy of Musk and his adolescent rabble: critical staff fired and then rehired in the Department of Energy; veterans crisis hotline staff fired; avian flu researchers fired and then rehired; funding for important scientific research summarily halted; repeated illegal actions requiring judicial intervention; and the list goes on. While we are being distracted by this circus, serious damage is being done to agencies across the federal government. Much of this damage may not become apparent for weeks or even months. In the best of circumstances well-planned and executed reductions-in-force are disruptive and adversely impact productivity. What we are being privileged to experience will undoubtedly appear as B school case studies showcasing how not to implement a reduction-in-force. Our Oro Valley and Foothills MAGA apologists are, for once, strangely silent. Perhaps there are no words.
James Dolian
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Chuck Barrett, North side
When you announced the US Mexico Canada trade deal in 2018, Donald, you trashed NAFTA as “the worst trade deal ever made,†touting your USMCA as “the most amazing deal.â€
Despite the differences between the two, one thing stayed recognizably the same.
First, $20 billion in direct subsidies and an equal sum in indirect subsidies to U.S. corn farmers. That kept farmers overproducing and prices below the cost of production. Farmers stayed afloat — though taxpayer dependent — and agribusiness flooded the market on the cheap.
Second, in Mexico, which imports more than 90% of U.S. export feed corn, the flood pushed down the price of corn by 66%, pushing Mexican farmers off their farms by the tens of millions. Mostly they went to the cities — grubbing for make-work jobs. But under NAFTA/USMCA some 8-10 million came to the U.S. desperate for work to save their families.
That’s your trade, Donald. Corn for migrants.
It’s also your DEI deal: Destruction, exploitation, injustice.
Chuck Barrett
North side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Jeffrey McConnell, West side
The Democrats' lexicon has now chosen "climate crisis" to replace "climate emergency," downgrading "climate change" which had earlier deposed "global warming" and in turn relegating "weather" into obscurity. I suppose we have adult/child Greta Thunberg to thank for this.
The Republican dictionary addresses "climate solutions" which are not found in the 2016 Paris Agreement that focused on the globalists’ desire to only redistribute wealth.
Trump instincts are correct on this issue and pretty much right on everything else. No more woke idiocy.
Jeffrey McConnell
West side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Dan Bannon, Midtown
Manipulate the stock market with tariffs, get rid of IRS investigators, ruin the DOJ,
have the Supreme Court give immunity, unlimited pardons, and easy money.
Dan Bannon
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Scotty Dean, Midtown
Let's ignore political leanings for a second -- whether federal employee headcount downsizing is required, whether trimming the federal government budget needs to be done to "right-size."
For argument's sake, assume those goals are indeed justified and required. Any first-year student in business administration, or public administration, or personnel management, will tell you the right way to reduce and trim is indeed hard work, but defaulting to the easiest way is a fool's errand. Good management does not simply announce any "3% budget cut across the board, across all departments" or "release all probationary employees because they can't fight."
Some departments are mission-critical - they should double. Others are "Legacies" -- shut them down. Some employees are RIP (retired in place) -- ease them out. As pointed out elsewhere, new employees are often the most energetic, and driven, and committed. They're tomorrow's leaders. Trump et. al. -- do the hard work.
Scotty Dean
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Hope Gastelum, East side
As usual, Mr. Johnson in Oro Valley has expressed some mind-boggling views. "Why would anyone object?" Let's see...maybe because the Musk/Trump chainsaw method has put next to zero thought into their slash-and-burn tactics. Clearly, "fraud" needs to be investigated, which equally clearly hasn't happened in this brief time frame. Waste may indeed exist in the massive government machinery (also needing closer examination, which no one objects to, Loyal), but so many of the Musk/Trump wild claims have been proven to be inaccurate or outright lies that even the right-wing Wall Street Journal won't back them up. Incidentally, we all benefit from government spending, Mr. Johnson, probably even you. I think you made a very self-revealing statement in your letter: "The uncompromising ideology of your beliefs has eliminated rational evaluation and any measure of common sense." Maybe you should think about it.
Hope Gastelum
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Chuck Cabrera, Oro Valley
Over the past year, there have been many hateful letters criticizing Donald Trump's actions. I can't speak for anyone's emotions, but I want the writer to identify the so-called falsehoods mentioned. Facts: Trump is a convicted criminal with other serious indictments which didn't get to court, he lies consistently, he is an adulterer, has exhibited racist behavior, was twice impeached and is now rejecting Zelensky and supporting Putin who initiated the invasion of the Ukraine and has been declared a war criminal by the World Court.
I dare say that many of the aforementioned letters were written by Independents (I am one), as well as McCain, Bush and Reagan Republicans, not just Democrats. How can Democrats even think about cooperating with someone whose every speech is totally divisive without any effort to bring Democrats or even open-minded Republicans into open discussion and negotiation to benefit all Americans? Who should be embarrassed and ashamed?
Chuck Cabrera
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- J Meconi, Northwest side
Social Security recipients who are overpaid after March 27th will automatically be placed at a 100% full recovery rate (rate is currently 10%). This means that regardless of who made the error, you or the government, the amount overpaid will be automatically deducted from your Scial Security until the amount is paid back. Suppose they err and say you were overpaid when you weren’t. You are on the hook until the matter is resolved. Although Social Security maintains you can contact them, 47 Social Security Administration field offices are slated for closure and 7,000 experienced employees for termination. This will result in technical outages, an interruption of benefit payments, and errors that will be very difficult to fix.
J Meconi
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Albrecht Classen, Midtown
When profiteers of unfair governmental contracts and also massive tax cuts such as Elon Musk lament the overblown federal budget, I hear the fox in the henhouse howling that there are not enough chicken for him to eat. For decades, Republicans up and down the local, state, and national administrations have pampered their super-rich donors absurdly promoting the Reaganomic mantra of ‘trickle-down’ economics. Cutting the VA administration, e.g., is adding insult to injury; our veterans have done so much for keeping our country safe, and now they are kicked to the sideline. Shame on the draft dodger Trump and other elitists. This is utterly immoral state treason deserving a third impeachment, but the Republican lemmings are in charge taking us down the abyss where Putin the hypnotist is waiting for us already. This government is trashing education, science, medicine, the environment, and the good standing of the US in the world. How much taxes does Musk, for instance, really pay? Probably much less than all of us.
Albrecht Classen
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Don Gerlach, East side
You don't understand. Donald J. Trump is playing Monopoly -- with the country, with the world. His interest is not in you, me or the country's wellbeing. His interest is in the challenge of playing the game. Simple. Dangerous.
Don Gerlach
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Wendy Anderson, Foothills
In a Feb. 19 Eastern ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Courier interview, Ciscomani showed he has quickly learned how to navigate as an unaccountable politician. Ciscomani dodged questions as follows (my comments):
- Could not agree that Ukraine did not start the war with Russia and Trump was wrong in claiming so. (Ciscomani claimed he had not seen the full interview (broadcast for 2-3 days,) and so could not comment).
- Excused his prior support of Ukraine funding because he didn't think the war would last so long.
- Agreed Ukraine war is a National Security issue but because we have invested so much (not because the security of our Allies is threatened).
- Claimed trimming costs analytically takes too long to eradicate “fraud and abuseâ€.
Ciscomani claims he is working for ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ns and opposes cuts to Pell grants, Medicaid etc. Watch how he votes on the budget and legislation. No longer bipartisan!
See for more.
Wendy Anderson
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Ronald Eustice, Northwest side
A trade war between Canada and the USA will result in billions of dollars of lost revenue to each country and seriously damage an already strained relationship between two great friends. The price of consumer goods will rise accordingly. The amount of fentanyl entering the US from Canada annually is 0.02 of all fentanyl confiscated at our borders ... 43 pounds per year. The amount is still too much but has not risen. Remember it was confiscated and not distributed. Over ninety seven percent of fentanyl is entering the US from Mexico and some of that is then moving from the US to Canada. While the drug is deadly and every ounce needs to be eliminated, it appears that our governments are doing a decent job of dealing with this "massive" problem. Continued cooperation and rigid enforcement is essential. Why should we all suffer because the root cause of the controversy is that Trump wants to humiliate and antagonize Trudeau?
Ronald Eustice
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Sally Wasielewski, East side
The recent article warning of financial Armageddon is based on the fundamental flawed premise that government should be nothing more than a well-run business. The problem with that line is that business has one motive: profit. Values such as environmental stewardship, use of public lands for recreation, protecting the public from financial scams, adulterated food, unsafe air travel and many others must yield to the god of profit. That being said, government does require revenue -- taxes. The writer of the article does not want more taxes, undercutting his premise that the budget has to be balanced. Trump has surrounded himself with billionaires. Let them start paying their fair share and there will be no Armageddon and no need for the theatrics and manipulation of the stock market now unfolding on the daily Trump show.
Sally Wasielewski
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Alan Rubens, Northeast side
President Musk and Flip-Flopper In Chief Trump say that in order to improve government you have to wreck it.
They are committing hideous governmental malpractice.
Musk is like a surgeon who cuts open a patient's abdomen and mucks around in it before getting a proper history and diagnostic imaging.
He looks in, sees a spleen and removes it thinking, "I can always put it back." He takes out a kidney "because who needs both?" Then he fishes around the abdomen with an ungloved hand before closing up.
Horrible malpractice, because the poor, now critically ill, patient needed only a proper diagnosis, a laxative and a high fiber diet for constipation.
Alan Rubens
Northeast side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- A. L. Miles, Green Valley
Re: the Loyal republican's statements in today's LTE, 1. Democrats have never advocated an open border without vetting. 2. Democrats believe criminals should be held accountable for crimes, including 1/6/21 criminals 3. Taxpayers provide money for the Feds and believe money should be returned to them via agencies created by Congress 4. Audits and oversight were done by agency and department watchdogs fired by Trump 5. No one is "promoting" the very small number of trans men to compete against women 6. Sorry test scores in AZ are a disgrace to be laid at the feet of state Republicans who are responsible for the corresponding sorry educational budget favoring private and religious schools over public schools and teachers 7. Democrats do not support the harassment of Jews -- nor do you see Nazi salutes from Democratic politicians. As a retired Army officer and Vietnam vet, I'm disgusted by the right wing pandering to the Putin-Trump ticket and the drivel produced by their defenders and would like my country back.
A. L. Miles
Green Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Roger Shanley, East side
The zone-flooding actions of President Trump and Elon Musk remind me of a long, intertwined line of dominos. With the tip of the first domino, a rapid, uncontrollable cascade results. Trump and Musk’s actions have resulted in such a chaotic toppling. But the dominoes reflect people’s lives and futures. Ukrainian citizens and soldiers, support staff plus those receiving USAID, and tariff-stricken countries like Mexico and Canada have felt the ill-conceived outcomes of the impetuous mandates. Hopefully, resistance will continue to mount in courts and international leadership, curtailing this barrage of short-sighted leadership.
Roger Shanley
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Melody Sears, North side
Trump has suspended satellite imagery services to Ukraine, the latest move to, in essence, rig the game for Russia. Ukrainian soldiers rely on this satellite information to find enemy positions and troop movements, plan safe vehicle routes, and avoid destroyed areas. Is it any wonder that Ukrainian soldiers have called this dastardly move "treachery, not politics"? Mr. Trump continues to favor Russia, as if Ukraine were the instigator who started this war.
No, Donald, Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia started this war. And you, Donald, seems to be in thrall to Putin. Putin's Puppet, perhaps?
Melody Sears
North side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Robert Bishop, East side
There have been some remarkable real estate deals made in this country. In 1629, the Lenape tribe sold 22.8 sq. mi. Manhattan Island to the Dutch West India Company for a modest $24.00. In 1803, the US paid France $15 million for the 828,000 sq. mi. Louisiana Purchase. The U.S. paid Mexico $10 million in 1854 for the Gadsden Purchase, an area 29,670 sq. mi. in size. In 1867, Russia sold all 665,400 sq. mi. of Alaska to the US for a mere $7.2 million.
And in 2024, voters sold the US, a country 3,796, 742 sq. mi. in size, to Donald Trump for the price of a dozen eggs. The Art of the Deal for sure.
Robert Bishop
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Karen Papagapitos, Northwest side
Our daughter went to Harvard, Class of 2003.
She was not a legacy as her father, my ex-husband, graduated from NYU and I from the University of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥. She got in on her own merit it seems.
The letter writer thinks one reason tech-savvy MIT surpasses Harvard is partly because Harvard favors legacy over innovation in student recruitment.
Personally, I think it’s sad that MIT students cannot share fun stories of Harvard students assembling an entire car atop a school building …like those techy MIT
devils … while home with their families during breaks.
Our daughter shared many such fun MIT stories during her breaks. She also shared wonderful stories of her Harvard professors instilling in her and her peers what it takes to create a better world. And I’m proud to say she is. Just as John F. Kennedy -- also a Harvard alum -- did.
I’ll give MIT points for innovation. it’s hard to beat a reassembled car atop a building.
Karen Papagapitos
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- John Barringer, Midtown
I propose an open, public, in person, verbal debate be arranged between Star contributors Loyal M. Johnson, Jr. of Oro Valley, and Gerald Farrington of Saddlebrook; admission to said debate to be a pledge from each attendee to rigorously fact check and apply reasoned judgment to the arguments made by each of the debaters.
John Barringer
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
Prop 414 goes down in flames
It always amazes me how people vote the way big money tells them to vote. In this case, big money came from the Chamber of Commerce and New Car Dealers Association. They said vote No, and we followed their instructions by a 70-30 margin.
I heard the words “regressive tax†from folks that had never used that phrase before 2025. Not once.
But you get what you pay for. The funds we already know we won’t be getting from state and federal sources cannot be replaced by local sources either. The voters have spoken. We are expected to do without.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
John Yoakum
Forest fires out of control
Thanks to reading Ed LeGendre’s LTE, I was educated about how wildfires cleanse the forest and the million-dollar homes it takes along with it like in L.A., and that’s a good thing. Why Ed feels this is what’s good for the federal government is another story. He thanks the fool and his flying monkey for clearing out the underbrush. No one wants waste and abuse in our government. Ed feels it’s more important to get rid of the bureaucracy like inspectors general that have spent their careers overseeing government waste, fraud and abuse, because without the fire, “all is lost.†What about the billions of dollars Biden’s IRS pulled in from wealthy taxpayers who were just waiting for Trump to give them another tax break? The fire the muskrat and #47 started may end up burning down the government and our nation. We need firefighters.
John Bingham
Northwest side
$12 billion ‘climate change crap’
Secretary Hegseth said, “DOD does not do climate change crap. We do training and warfighting.†Interestingly, a flood in 2019 devastated Offutt AFB (HQ of Strategic Command) and the base has not completely been repaired yet with a cost at least $2.6 billion. Flooding at Parris Island, S.C. Marine Corps training facility, shut down training Marines over the years at a repair cost of $4.7 billion. The Marine Corps has considered closing Parris Island because of flooding. Hurricane Helene severely damaged Tyndall AFB, where F-35 pilots are trained and a repair cost of $4.9 billion was needed. A total of $12.2 billion needed for three extreme storm events. I guess Secretary Hegseth does not know of what he speaks. Climate change is not crap. Climate change is a national security threat.
William Jones
East side
‘A lens on life’
Kudos to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Star for its front-page article on Photographer Jack Dykinga.
Jack’s Chicago Pulitzer prize at age 28 speaks for itself. Chicago’s loss was ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥â€™s gain.
Jack’s photography has splashed the pages of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Highways and National Geographic for many years.
He is truly the Ansel Adams of desert photography.
In his old camper, he has captured the beauty of the desert’s early dawn.
His photo “Stone Canyon†was selected as one of “40 Best Nature Photographs of all time†by the International League of Conservation Photographers.
If DNA is never wrong, Jack’s photographic lens is never wrong, as it captures the essence of the beautiful.
As John Muir loved nature, so too has Jack followed with his camera.
His lung transplant was truly miraculous.
His book “A Photographers Life†is one of my favorites and has a permanent place on my coffee table.
Jack Dykinga personifies a professional life well lived. May he bless us with his talent for many years to come.
Tom McGorray
Northwest side
MAGA ‘lessons’ — no thanks
Where does one find the “Republican dictionary†mentioned in the “Vocabulary lessons†letter of March 11? I bet it contains some unique definitions, including how the MAGA mind defines “woke.†Did anyone else laugh (or gag) at seeing the statement, “Trump’s instincts are correct on this {climate change, no less!} and pretty much right on everything else.†Truly unbelievable. Trump’s instincts are geared to venal self-interest and self-aggrandizement. He presents as a deceitful, bullying child devoid of any concept of public service or awareness of how his chaotic actions affect others. This same promoter of the “Republican dictionary†has recently wept over taxpayer dollars spent on DEI. I wonder if he ever shed a tear for the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers who died needlessly due to Trump’s grotesquely self-serving mishandling of the Covid pandemic? Did he say thank you to Donald Trump for that as well?
Victor Gastelum
East side
Trump warning, again
With my education in abnormal psychology, I tried to warn readers about Trump’s mental disorders during his first term. Many psychologists have done the same, since that time. They tried to tell people who he really was, but few listened.
Now, he is again threatening Canada to succumb to his wishes of being a 51st state. This was looked at as a joke by most people at first, but now it‘s being seen as serious talk. Besides his Machiavellianism, sadism and NPD, he is a covetous sociopath (ASPD), obsessed with obtaining things in which he does not already possess. He sees nothing wrong with threatening Canada to acquire their land. The reason for this is that he has no conscience, but this also reflects his Machiavellianism. His psychologist niece, Mary Trump, titled her book about him, “Too Much and Never Enough†for a reason.
There have been leaders in history with a similar conglomeration of mental abnormalities compared with Trump, and the results were disastrous. 25th Amendment, now!
Steve Rasmussen
USAID shredding
I am no conspiracy buff, so only a thief and/or a liar demands that records from a government agency be destroyed. Yes, of course, there was some fraud. There is fraud everywhere: used parts sold as new; jacked up prices for repairs; “discounts†for materials; incorrect labels; generic drugs that contain other ingredients; and so on. However, to ask employees to shred or burn documents at the request of a DOGE “investigator†in a federal agency tells me that the investigation itself is questionable and rife with deception. Time to put a stop to this witch hunt and examine the issues before destroying the whole system.
Cynthia Schiesel
East side
Republican time warp
Republicans have created their own time warp and totally ceded the power of Congress to Trump. In order for Trump to impose his insane tariffs, he declared a National Economic Emergency. This emergency can be ended by a vote of Congress within 15 days of the vote being proposed. Democrats called for a vote, and the Republicans changed the calendar. From now and to the end of the 119th Congress, the remaining months shall be counted as one day.
No Republican wants to be held accountable by voting to end Trump’s disastrous tariffs. They would rather their constituents suffer the effects of Trump tanking the economy than say no him. Remember this the next election cycle as the country slides into a recession. You can’t blame Biden for this.
Mary Zimmerman
Education Dept. abolition
Another great idea. Abolish the Dept. Of Education. Have the states do the work. There are over 13,200 Education Distrcts in the U.S. What a bonanza for pollsters. They’ll be racing to establish 13,200 standards for academic excellence. Certainly better than having one set at the national level. Think of the jobs that will be created.
Kenneth Haber
Northwest side
Speak out for others
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects our freedom of speech and our freedom of assembly.
On March 8, Federal officials arrested green card holder Mahmoud Khalil, seemingly for protesting civilian deaths in Gaza.
German pastor Martin Niemoller’s exhorted us to protest government persecutions:
First, they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Niemoller tells us to speak out for others.
Now is the time to speak out for yourself and others when our government persecutes people for exercising their constitutional rights.
Mari Jensen
Click your heels
While perusing my own backyard (with the help of the Star) I came across yet another piece by the Word Wizard of Oz, George Will. In it, he chided Americans for feeling “entitledâ€, opined how the working class has long been incapable of “creative†thought and urged “patience†to save democracy. It was not clear what we need to be patient about though. Apparently, the man who helped bring us the first TV star President, does not want us to look behind the curtain at what the Trump administration is actually doing. This Dorothy has no intention of laying back and enjoying it while Musk and his flying monkeys pillage and rape our government systems and we the people. My plea to the Editor is that you stick with local columnists because George Will has spent way too much time in hair and makeup at Fox ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ and let’s be honest, nobody likes him.
Sherry Ivester
Prop 414 joke
Imagine my surprise when I read the results that Prop 414, a tax increase, failed by overwhelming voter disapproval. Is it possible with the liberal leadership in the City mayor and Council being in favor? But alas, the voters have learned from the discoveries of the Trump Administration regarding the wasteful spending of liberal leadership. Now that the voters have stepped in and put a stop to the misappropriation, perhaps someone that is not biased should start the process of finding out what happened to the money in the first place. The Fire Dept. and Police Dept. both had approved budgets that were suddenly in need of funding to cover the missing money, so the question is simple: “Where did the money go and who moved it?†Is it possible that the city administrators decided to shift money to personal agendas and then needed more money to cover the shortage? Who can be trusted to identify what happened to the money without hiding the results?
Loran Hancock
Northwest side
Congress has oversight of tariffs
The U.S. President’s power to set tariffs on imported goods derives from Congressional delegation of authority through various statutes. While the Constitution grants Congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and impose duties Congress has delegated some of this authority to the President through laws such as:
— The President can impose tariffs if imports threaten national security;
— The President can impose tariffs in response to unfair trade practices by other countries;
— The President can regulate trade during a national emergency;
— The President can adjust tariffs in cases of unfair competition;
— The President can negotiate tariff reductions with other nations.
While these statutes provide the legal basis for tariffs, the President’s actions can still be subject congressional oversight. If you believe that these tariffs will ignite inflation and push our economy into recession, then call or email Representative Juan Ciscomani and get Congress to act.
Thomas Hefley
East side
Ignorance about education
47 shows that he has little appreciation for or understanding of the role — the value — of education in people’s lives. He doesn’t know that the purpose of education is more than getting a high-paying job. More than rising to a high position in life. While those may be admirable pursuits, there is so much more to life, and education can help to make that available. Children are sent to school to become good and knowledgeable citizens of the local community as well as the world community. Without a good education, they can miss the opportunity to be informed and to reach their full potential and will likely remain in a state of uncertainty and bias based on being uninformed, a lack of knowledge. Education deserves positive attention at the highest level. Methinks 47 is coming after the teacher’s union. Another denial of power of the people except through him.
Don Gerlach
East side
Cutting government costs
Trump when he was first elected stated he “wouldn’t have as much time to golf†as Obama. He’d be too busy governing. His first term cost taxpayers $151 million for his golfing. So far this year over $18 million. With the average income in this country being $39k, that’s a lot of ordinary salaries for his diversion. It means fiscal responsibility and cutting expenses doesn’t extend to him and billionaire friends. Per Marie Antoinette, “Let them eat cake.â€
Craig Miller
Northwest side
Losing at every level
Prop 414 got voted down by 70% of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ city voters, who have a 2-1 Democrat voter advantage in the city. Prop 414 would have sent about 66% of the expected $80 million per year raised by the higher tax to public safety needs (police and fire). About 34% would have gone to address issues related to affordable housing, homelessness and other social needs. Even the large majority of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Democratic voters didn’t buy it.
Prop 414 is emblematic of the Democratic Party’s failing policies at federal, state and local levels. The federal level is obvious. The Republicans control everything, even the conservative bent of the Supreme Court. State level has Republicans flipping 4 Democratic Senate seats in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Montana. Local hits home here at Prop 414.
You liberal folks here better start paying attention. You’re supporting losing policies and are losing everywhere. Start with kicking to the curb DEI and boys in girls sports.
Steve Sollenberger
How a con man works
The con man gains your confidence by telling you that he understands you. He knows your feelings. He knows you have been taken advantage of, even if you were not aware of that yourself. He knows how to fix things for you. In fact, he is the only one who can fix it. When the fix doesn’t work he has many excuses why it is not his fault. He is never wrong and has many explanations about who is to blame.
He did everything he could because he cares about you. The others don’t care about you. They have been actively working to hurt you for years even though you didn’t know that they were.
Despite all the failure, the con man always gets what he wants. He says it’s only fair because he has worked so hard to help you, even at his own expense. All the money and power goes to the con man, and you get nothing.
Martin Carl
Southwest side
Four years later with Trump?
Mr. McConnell, I suggest that you review the definitions and/or descriptions of the terms you use before describing the actions of presidents Biden and Trump. I will pick four of the terms you used in your recent letter.
Equality basically means to basically treat everyone the same. Equal opportunity attempts to ensure that everyone (no matter their background) has the same opportunities to achieve success. Equity is the fair and impartial treatment of everyone. Racial justice is described as the systematic fair treatment of all people no matter what their racial background that results in equitable opportunities for all.
I would argue that President Biden made the effort to achieve equality, equal opportunity, equity, and racial justice because these things are desired by most people, no matter their racial background. However, President Trump has never shown any interest in these things as an individual, business owner, or president.
Craig Whaley
Oro Valley
- Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross, Utah
It’s bad enough that Trump is taking the presidency along the path of personal dictatorship. It’s worse that a torrent of newspapers, tech corporations, judges, military brass, universities, priests and pastors are converting to his anti-republican gospel.
Even those leading the opposition have become weak-kneed and self-protective rather than community-minded and patriotic.
The reason for the evaporation of conscience is the cancer of acquisitiveness, the desire for riches, stature, power to come quickly by force.
ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥papers practice censorship, corporations push monopoly, professionals hide behind gated walls, celebrities flip-flop like politicians, politicians become demons of unrighteousness, the handsome and stunningly beautiful become cankered and ugly, the smiling exude only frowns born of confusion and lethargy.
Good has left the high ground to make way for a rising flood of evil and foolish pride.
America has quit sanity, health, education, law, Constitution, family, citizenship and country, all to fulfill the vision of “America First,†which is just another name for people’s government last.
Kimball Shinkoskey
Woods Cross, Utah
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Ila Abernathy, Midtown
U.S. farmers are the primary source of USAID grains and other crops. The Agency spends “around $2.1 billion annually to provide food aid worldwide ... American farmers are now left without some of their most dependable income.†-- Better World Campaign.
An unelected appointee of the Executive Branch instigated the abrupt illegal closure of USAID, established by Congress and funded by Congress.
Please ask ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ senators and your U.S. representative to curb executive excesses and reestablish USAID, which adds stability, disease protection, and development services worldwide. Positive in-country support also counters irregular migration.
Episcopal Bishop of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Jennifer Reddall indicates USAID-supplied HIV medications in Africa enable 20 million people to live meaningful, productive lives. St. Michael’s Episcopal (ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥) adds that 5800 USAID contracts have been terminated, affecting more than 53 million people.
Bishop Reddall asks: “Where is Christ in this? ... Those of us who follow Jesus are called to raise our voices on behalf of life-giving and life-sustaining work for our siblings around the globe.â€
Ila Abernathy
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Loran Hancock, Northwest side
Are you one of the people that laughed at the collapse of Bud Light when they merged with Dylan Mulvaney to promote the beer brand while ignoring the consumer while promoting a woke agenda? It took forever for the people at Anheuser Busch to admit the mistake of the relationship and return to serving the consumer with the only problem being that the consumer didn't forgive and forget. While Bud Light was collapsing, a new entry in the beer market got started by promoting themselves as Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right Beer, because this beer was anti-woke (since Bud Light was ultra LEFT this new beer was ULTRA RIGHT). Bud Light changed directions and wants to be forgiven but the consumer was more disgusted than forgiving so the only option for Bud Light was to force the Ultra Right into bankruptcy by filing a lawsuit over the use of the word "ULTRA." When a loser doesn't have integrity, they resort to liberal left tactics. Boycott Bud Light.
Loran Hancock
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Craig Whaley, Oro Valley
Mr. McConnell, I suggest that you review the definitions and/or descriptions of the terms you use before describing the actions of Presidents Biden and Trump. I will pick four of the terms you used in your recent letter.
Equality basically means to basically treat everyone the same. Equal opportunity attempts to ensure that everyone (no matter their background) has the same opportunities to achieve success. Equity is the fair and impartial treatment of everyone. Racial justice is described as the systematic fair treatment of all people no matter what their racial background that results in equitable opportunities for all.
I would argue that President Biden made the effort to achieve equality, equal opportunity, equity, and racial justice because these things are desired by most people, no matter their racial background. However, President Trump has never shown any interest in these things as an individual, business owner, or president.
Craig Whaley
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Mari Jensen, Midtown
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects our freedom of speech and our freedom of assembly.
On March 8, Federal officials arrested green-card holder Mahmoud Khalil, seemingly for protesting civilian deaths in Gaza.
German pastor Martin Niemoller’s exhorted us to protest government persecutions:
First they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Niemoller tells us to speak out for others.
Now is the time to speak out for yourself and others when our government persecutes people for exercising their constitutional rights.
Mari Jensen
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Mary Zimmerman, SaddleBrooke
Republicans have created their own time warp and totally ceded the power of Congress to Trump. In order for Trump to impose his insane tariffs, he declared a National Economic Emergency. This emergency can be ended by a vote of Congress within 15 days of the vote being proposed. Democrats called for a vote and the Republicans changed the calendar. From now and to the end of the 119th Congress, the remaining months shall be counted as one day.
No Republican wants to be held accountable by voting to end Trump's disastrous tariffs. They would rather their constituents suffer the effects of Trump tanking the economy than say no him. Remember this the next election cycle as the country slides into a recession. You can't blame Biden for this.
Mary Zimmerman
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Cynthia Schiesel, East side
I am no conspiracy buff, so only a thief and/or a liar demands that records from a government agency be destroyed. Yes, of course, there was some fraud. There is fraud everywhere: used parts sold as new; jacked up prices for repairs; "discounts" for materials; incorrect labels; generic drugs that contain other ingredients; and so on. However, to ask employees to shred or burn documents at the request of a DOGE "investigator" in a federal agency tells me that the investigation itself is questionable and rife with deception. Time to put a stop to this witch hunt and examine the issues before destroying the whole system.
Cynthia Schiesel
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Victor Gastelum, East side
Where does one find the "Republican dictionary" mentioned in the "Vocabulary lessons" letter of 3/11? I bet it contains some unique definitions, including how the MAGA mind defines "woke." Did anyone else laugh (or gag) at seeing the statement, "Trump's instincts are correct on this {climate change, no less!} and pretty much right on everything else." Truly unbelievable. Trump's instincts are geared to venal self-interest and self-aggrandizement. He presents as a deceitful, bullying child devoid of any concept of public service or awareness of how his chaotic actions affect others. This same promoter of the "Republican dictionary" has recently wept over taxpayer dollars spent on DEI. I wonder if he ever shed a tear for the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers who died needlessly due to Trump's grotesquely self-serving mishandling of the Covid pandemic? Did he say thank you to Donald Trump for that as well?
Victor Gastelum
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- William Jones, East side
Secretary Hegseth said “DOD does not do climate change crap. We do training and warfighting.†Interestingly, a flood in 2019 devastated Offutt AFB (HQ of Strategic Command) and the base has not completely been repaired yet with a cost at least $2.6 billion. Flooding at Parris Island, S.C. Marine Corps training facility, shut down training Marines over the years at a repair cost of $4.7 billion. The Marine Corps has considered closing Parris Island because of flooding. Hurricane Helene severely damaged Tyndall AFB where F-35 pilots are trained and a repair cost of $4.9 billion was needed. A total of $12.2 billion needed for three extreme storm events. I guess Secretary Hegseth does not know of what he speaks. Climate change is not crap. Climate change is a national security threat.
William Jones
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- John Bingham, Northwest side
Thanks to reading Ed LeGendre's LTE I was educated about how wildfires cleanse the forest and the million-dollar homes it takes along with it like in LA and that's a good thing. Why Ed feels this is what's good for the federal government is another story. He thanks the fool and his flying monkey for clearing out the underbrush. No one wants waste and abuse in our government. Ed feels it's more important to get rid of the bureaucracy like inspectors general that have spent their careers overseeing government waste, fraud and abuse, because without the fire, "all is lost." What about the billions of dollars Biden's IRS pulled in from wealthy taxpayers who were just waiting for Trump to give them another tax break? The fire the muskrat and #47 started may end up burning down the government and our nation. We need firefighters.
John Bingham
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Steve Sollenberger, Foothills
Prop 414 got voted down by 70% of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ city voters, who have a 2-1 Democrat voter advantage in the city. Prop 414 would have sent about 66% of the expected $80 million per year raised by the higher tax to public safety needs (police and fire). About 34% would have gone to address issues related to affordable housing, homelessness and other social needs. Even the large majority of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Democratic voters didn't buy it.
Prop 414 is emblematic of the Democratic Party's failing policies at federal, state and local levels. The federal level is obvious. The Republicans control everything, even the conservative bent of the Supreme Court. State level has Republicans flipping 4 Democratic Senate seats in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Montana. Local hits home here at Prop 414.
You liberal folks here better start paying attention. You're supporting losing policies and are losing everywhere. Start with kicking to the curb DEI and boys in girls sports.
Steve Sollenberger
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Thomas Hefley, East side
The U.S. President’s power to set tariffs on imported goods derives from Congressional delegation of authority through various statutes. While the Constitution grants Congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and impose duties Congress has delegated some of this authority to the President through laws such as:
-the President can impose tariffs if imports threaten national security;
-the President can impose tariffs in response to unfair trade practices by other countries;
-the President can regulate trade during a national emergency;
-the President can adjust tariffs in cases of unfair competition;
-the President can negotiate tariff reductions with other nations.
While these statutes provide the legal basis for tariffs, the President’s actions can still be subject congressional oversight. If you believe that these tariffs will ignite inflation and push our economy into recession then call or email Representative Juan Ciscomani and get Congress to act.
Thomas Hefley
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Craig Miller, Northwest side
Trump when he was first elected stated he "wouldn't have as much time to golf" as Obama. He'd be too busy governing. His first term cost taxpayers $151 million for his golfing. So far this year over $18 million. With the average income in this country being $39k, that's a lot of ordinary salaries for his diversion. it means fiscal responsibility and cutting expenses doesn't extend to him and billionaire friends. Per Marie Antoinette, "Let them eat cake."
Craig Miller
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Martin Carl, Southwest side
The con man gains your confidence by telling you that he understands you. He knows your feelings. He knows you have been taken advantage of, even if you were not aware of that yourself. He knows how to fix things for you. In fact, he is the only one who can fix it. When the fix doesn’t work he has many excuses why it is not his fault. He is never wrong and has many explanations about who is to blame.
He did everything he could because he cares about you. The others don’t care about you. They have been actively working to hurt you for years even though you didn’t know that they were.
Despite all the failure, the con man always gets what he wants. He says it’s only fair because he has worked so hard to help you, even at his own expense. All the money and power goes to the con man, and you get nothing.
Martin Carl
Southwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Don Gerlach, East side
47 shows that he has little appreciation for or understanding of the role -- the value -- of education in people's lives. He doesn't know that the purpose of education is more than getting a high-paying job. More than rising to a high position in life. While those may be admirable pursuits, there is so much more to life, and education can help to make that available. Children are sent to school to become good and knowledgeable citizens of the local community as well as the world community. Without a good education, they can miss the opportunity to be informed and to reach their full potential and will likely remain in a state of uncertainty and bias based on being uninformed, a lack of knowledge. Education deserves positive attention at the highest level. Methinks 47 is coming after the teacher's union. Another denial of power of the people except through him.
Don Gerlach
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Kenneth Haber, Northwest side
Another great idea. Abolish the Dept. Of Education. Have the states do the work. There are over 13,200 Education Distrcts in the U.S. What a bonanza for pollsters. They'll be racing to establish 13,200 standards for academic excellence. Certainly better than having one set at the national level. Think of the jobs that will be created.
Kenneth Haber
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Steve Rasmussen, Foothills
With my education in abnormal psychology, I tried to warn readers about Trump’s mental disorders during his first term. Many psychologists have done the same, since that time. They tried to tell people who he really was but few listened.
Now he is again threatening Canada to succumb to his wishes of being a 51st state. This was looked at as a joke by most people at first, but now it‘s being seen as serious talk. Besides his Machiavellianism, sadism and NPD, he is a covetous sociopath (ASPD), obsessed with obtaining things in which he does not already possess. He sees nothing wrong with threatening Canada to acquire their land. The reason for this is that he has no conscience, but this also reflects his Machiavellianism. His psychologist niece, Mary Trump titled her book about him, “Too Much and Never Enough†for a reason.
There have been leaders in history with a similar conglomeration of mental abnormalities compared with Trump, and the results were disastrous. 25th Amendment, now!
Steve Rasmussen
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Barbara Benjamin, Foothills
So-called Christians are calling for Trump to allow Israel to annex the West Bank. Hopefully Israeli and Jewish leaders will recognize that the goal is to bring on armageddon. Their goal is surely not because they care for Israel or Jews, for such an action will result in the loss of what little support Israel has from her Arab neighbors and more Israeli bloodshed.
Barbara Benjamin
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
More like this...
Letter: Letter commenting on ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Opinion: "Fiction abounds in a letter to the editor" Mar. 11).
- Daniel Pryor, West side
Mr. Michael A. Chihak is serious in the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Opinion: "Fiction abounds in a letter to the editor" (Mar. 11). The contents of the letter he questions gives him a chance to excoriate the obvious Republican constituent. Fair enough, although I wouldn't characterize the letter in question as real-truth in facts. It seems the letter's intent is to exaggerate some of the Democratic Party's political positions. Such as illegal immigration when the letter says: "to promote an open border for all with no vetting." That has to be taken as tongue-in-cheek.
I posit the letter in question is worthy of the Babylon Bee, as an ironic or sarcastic illustration explaining the shortcomings of the Democratic Party. The writer of the letter Mr. Chihak skewers should apply for employment at the Babylon Bee. Any letter to the editor needs to "foolproof" its content so as to be above reproach. Otherwise, label your letter as satire.
Daniel Pryor
West side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Sally Wasielewski, East side
The pundits, journalists, comedians and all the rest are spinning their wheels over the Trump Show need to stop wasting their time and answer the only real issue: who benefits from economic chaos? It's not wage earners or retirees on fixed incomes or small business owners. Only the speculators with deep pockets benefit from the flip flopping of the stock market, which Trump is orchestrating -- not from whims or impulse but as pay back to wealthy supporters. At one time we had a crime called insider trading. But when the Dept of Justice and the FBI have been gutted and remade to do the biding of a convicted felon who went unpunished for his crime, no worries for those in the know.
Sally Wasielewski
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Roger Shanley, East side
ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Supreme Court justice Clint Bolick warned recently of dangers to democracy if “the president should get to decide his own constitutional authority, which means he has no limits,†likening current efforts to those used by “authoritarian regimes.†He cautioned against removing and replacing judges without cause, noting a later administration might follow the same strategy. Bolick’s comments follow efforts by Republican lawmakers in Montana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia to weaken or eliminate state judicial powers. Hopefully, comments like Bolick’s and other national judges will end both the Senate and House’s inability to stand up to President Trump in favor of their country and constituents.
Roger Shanley
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Jose Salgado, Northeast side
I am reading about the poor veterans who are now unemployed due to Trump's cleanup of the nation’s overspending. I read about their used to be jobs in the government and are now wondering what they are going to do now to support themselves and their families. These are guys who served the United States with their lives. Just want you to know I spent two years in Vietnam as a marine.
Here is my question. What reason do you have for voting for Trump?
Jose Salgado
Northeast side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Richard Eaton, West side
I can't fathom the war with our biggest trade partner Canada! What is the issue? What does he think this is, South Park? There's no migration or drug issue. That's just another of the Trumpster's hallucinations. If you know anything about Canada you would see why this is just stupid; we will all pay dearly for his folly.
They say we get the government we deserve. At least some of us do. Republicans, grow a spine and put a stop to this now.
Richard Eaton
West side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Richard Pierson, Southwest side
Your Sunday Nation & World article “Russian attacks kill 22†in my opinion is a direct result of the administration’s withdrawal of U.S. satellite intelligence capability in retaliation for not saying thank-you enough. Come on, this is not kids play. Stop it now or WWIII with atomic warheads will be falling on us.
Richard Pierson
Southwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Margie McDonnell, East side
Current Trump post, "Can you imagine Canada stooping so low as to use electricity, that so affects the life
of innocent people, as a bargaining chip and threat?"
Can you imagine Trump stooping so low as to abandon Ukraine, that so affects the life of innocent people as a bargaining chip and threat?
Margie McDonnell
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Toni Kane, Oro Valley
It is not "America First" to be pulling the economic rug out from those who voted for, and did not vote for, the winner of the November election. ALL voters now have to pay more because of Trump placed tariffs. I am sure Minnesota, New York, and Michigan do not want to be charged 25 per cent more for Canadian electricity. Certainly, those who voted for Trump did not plan on losing money because of market instability. Trump's tariffs will affect the price of all commodities and goods for all of us.
Toni Kane
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Lollie Butler, Midtown
As a social Worker for forty years in this community, serving those that suffer from mental illness, I see many who are poverty-stricken. They are despondent due to this administration's actions. Many go without meals so they can afford vital medications. Donald and his billionaire sidekick Elon are busy serving the wealthy and waging economic warfare on our allies -- which will of course boomerang. (Check the price of Canadian and Mexican imported goods). My concern is that funds earmarked for mental illness will be cut further and that many in this nation of plenty will go as hungry as my father did during the Great Depression. We have forgotten that the hallmark of a civilized nation depends on how it treats its elderly and disabled.
Lollie Butler
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Barbara Benjamin, Foothills
As a Jew who spent my formative years in New York where Trump and his father overtly practiced antisemitism and racism, I worry and fear that Trump is setting Jews up as scapegoats because of his attempt to deport Mahmoud Kalil on the pretext of opposing antisemitism. Let there be no doubt that Trump is a virulent anti-Semite, bigot and racist. He should not be permitted to violate the First Amendment's protections under the guise of opposing antisemitism. In short, Trump doesn't care about Jews and he's setting us up, once again, as scapegoats: Protests will rage against Jews under the guise of protecting free speech. Trump's trying to kill two birds with one stone.
Barbara Benjamin
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Vanessa Romero, Midtown
Not much legislation is getting passed these days. Who knows whether that’s due to dysfunction or the lack of appetite for any meaningful reform. But the Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act was recently re-introduced and it will ensure Medicare beneficiaries have access to this new screening technology. I would like to thank Democrat Senator Mark Kelly and Republican Congressman Juan Ciscomani for co-sponsoring the bill in their respective chambers. Currently, most cancers lack routine screening methods, leaving too many patients unmotivated to get screened until it is too late. MCED tests can revolutionize early detection and save countless lives while reducing the burdens that come with late-stage cancer treatment. Early detection should not be a privilege — it should be a standard of care. I hope the rest of Congress follows the lead of Sen. Kelly and Rep. Ciscomani in co-sponsoring this and pushing for its passage. We need to give more Americans the chance to survive cancer through early diagnosis.
Vanessa Romero
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Pete Kasper, Foothills
The national debt problem is real, however, there is no solution without reforming entitlements to make them sustainable. Since the President and Congress have no inclination to do that, DOGE is just political theater - a cruel tragedy. Seniors who actually want to drain the swamp should opt out of Social Security and Medicare instead of saying "I earned it" while taking out far more in benefits than they paid in.
Pete Kasper
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Deb Klumpp, Oro Valley
We can sleep a lot easier, now that Jeffrey McConnell has assuaged our fears about the so-called climate crisis. He knows! No need to listen to angry right-wing radio, we get the same content almost daily in his LTEs. Let's play semantics -- "climate change", "climate crisis", "climate emergency", "global warming". No matter the words, Trump is right about climate (and everything else), according to the letter. Like Trump, he must denigrate Greta Thunberg, unhappy that a young, brilliant female is smarter than he is. I guess the California fires, North Carolina flooding, and East coast hurricanes are just normal "weather," as are the ever-shrinking ice caps -- must be AI-generated photos! And gosh, why have home insurance costs skyrocketed? Maybe Mr. McConnell should read "Why your home insurance has gone up" article from Sun. March 9. Jeffrey states "the Republican dictionary addresses climate solutions". Really? Like burning as much fossil fuel as possible? Trump and his cult are all for it. Right-wing idiocy full speed ahead!
Deb Klumpp
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Kathy Krucker, Midtown
Senator Mark Kelly represents everything America should stand for. His honorable service and loyalty to our country is without question. Kelly has put his life on the line to defend our country. It is beyond sickening and disgusting that that President Elon called Kelly “a traitor.â€
Kudos to Senator Kelly’s recent trip to Ukraine. His reporting on the continued unspeakable brutality and war crimes inflicted on the Ukrainian people should shock Americans to their very core. Yet, the Putin wing of the GOP continues to betray Ukraine by giving the green light to Russia to bomb Ukraine into the Stone Age and commit unspeakable brutality and torture.
Kelly is correct when he says “the safety of Ukraine is tied to the safety of the United States.†Any peace deal to end Russia’s invasion of Ukraine must ensure Ukraine’s security, sovereignty, and the reclaiming their territory that Russia has seized. The White House and the silent GOP are the real traitors in our country.
Kathy Krucker
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Barbara Hall, Midtown
By now, the chaos and cluelessness of the DOGE ‘reorganization’ are apparent, and the list of cut programs is so full of errors that the touted savings are questionable. Since many of the programs are culture-war targets, however, the administration can distract the MAGA base from the fact that they are a small part of federal spending -- the Republican budget will also require reductions in major health-care programs and Social Security.
According to Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, the administration’s goal is to privatize the current services of the federal government. But privatizing public goods such as weather information or air traffic control should be carefully considered, since private profit adds to costs.
Often the private sector is assumed to be more efficient than the government. DOGE provides one counterexample. Another is the Medicare Advantage program, sold to the public as a means of bringing down costs. But increased efficiency never materialized, and MA has always cost taxpayers more than traditional Medicare.
Barbara Hall
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Ed LeGendre, East side
The government bureaucracy is like a big forest. It grows from within. Old trees disperse seeds that grow. After a while, nature takes over, a wildfire clears out the cluttered underbrush letting the forest thrive.
We know this to be nature taking care of itself. Man started putting out forest fires and overcrowding of forests occurred. Then subsequent fires burn so hot and fast and all is destroyed.
Cleansing is key to a prosperous life. You feel good after a good shower, you feel good after a good workout, and you feel good after cleaning out the garage. All these require an amount of effort, not all are necessarily feel-good efforts.
The government needs a haircut, a fire of somewhat in order for it to survive. If no thinning occurs, then you get a firestorm like what happened in Los Angeles. = The fire burned away the dense undergrowth along with long established luxury homes that were entrenched within.
How will this play out? If no fire, then all is lost.
Ed LeGendre
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Tom Ryan, East side
I wrote to Rep. Ciscomani asking him to honor his oath of office by standing up to the Trump administration's flagrant violations of the rule of law. I mentioned, as examples, the firing of protected workers, and the dismantling of the congressionally approved Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and USAID.
In his response, he says “I will carefully assess any legislation related to the CFPB to determine its potential impact on our constituents and broader financial stability.†He knows full well there isn't any such legislation before Congress. These are weasel words that say to me that he has no intention to honor his oath of office by doing anything to prevent these illegal actions. He, and apparently all other Republicans in Congress, are complicit in the illegal dismantling of government agencies that provide beneficial services to the citizens of this country. Shame on them and shame on Ciscomani.
Tom Ryan
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Steven Gorenstein, Northeast side
The economy was doing reasonably well. Consumer confidence was holding up. Everything in the western hemisphere was relatively stable, except for the fallout from “Ukraine’s invasion of Russia.†But in less than two months you’ve managed to create your usual chaos and send us spinning toward a recession. Why? The only explanation I can think of is you got your marching orders from the Kremlin. What could possibly be a better gift for Putin?
Steven Gorenstein
Northeast side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- John Eric Persson, Northeast side
So, who’s gambling with World War III now? With every random, poorly thought out reaction to the Ukrainian situation in Europe, the Trump administration’s decision to reduce support to Ukraine has clearly emboldened Putin who knows his offensives will be far more effective now that Ukraine cannot “see them comingâ€. When Europe’s enemy is emboldened their anxieties and security concerns rise, tensions mount and the prospects for a broader conflict rise dramatically. Since pulling US satellite data sharing from Ukrainian military intelligence the Russians have effectively murdered nearly 2 dozen people in just 2 days. Is this genius diplomacy? How you broker “a deal†for a cease-fire? Opposition parties love to toss out the term failed policies. If this isn’t a failed policy resulting in blood on your hands, Mr. Trump, I don’t know what is. A shameful disrespect for humanity!
John Eric Persson
Northeast side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- William Muto, SaddleBrooke
The U.S. is losing the cyber war with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea; losing because these enemies have successively stolen and turned our most powerful cyber weapons, developed by our own agencies, against us. No doubt any of the above states can destroy our power grid, cause air traffic to collapse or create a disaster at any nuclear plant in the country. Undoubtedly, we have similar capabilities but who would benefit most from a first strike, who would shirk from causing such a cataclysmic event?
Trump's own useful idiot, Hegseth, has stalled any anti-Russian cyber activities lest he hurt Putin's feelings, just as we remain more vulnerable than ever and ever mindful that the most destructive and costly global attacks in history were inflicted by Russian hackers.
Not unthinkable that disgruntled intelligence agents may choose to sell out to the other side to get even for their abrupt dismissal.
We are in a dangerous mess with this administration, and we can thank useful idiot number one, Donald Trump.
William Muto
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Craig Whaley, Oro Valley
We have James Carville telling Democratic congressional members to sit back and watch the Republicans make fools of themselves while they hurt the country with their policies, decisions, antics, and lies. The Democratic Party wants us to fight back, mostly by contributing money and/or participating in the occasional protest. However, many Democratic politicians seem to avoid engaging in that same fight. Senators Kelly and Gallego, is this you? This message is mixed at best, unclear at worst.
To the Democratic Party, Senators Kelly and Gallego as well as other Democratic officeholders, please refine and clarify your message that not only works for and with your supporters, but also that rallies those supporters to actively engage in the most important political period in this country since the Civil War. The survival of democracy in the United States is at stake.
Craig Whaley
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- John Hughes, Northeast side
The following note expressed my view to Representative Ciscomani.
Please acknowledge publicly your acceptance as truth the statement of Senator Kelly on return from Ukraine in which he described testimony of nurses describing criminal behavior of Russian troops.
He described events in which such soldiers raped and then killed Ukrainian children in front of their parents.
As you have sworn, as I did, to protect the Constitution, you cannot remain silent to such atrocities.
John Hughes
Northeast side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Jeffrey McConnell, West side
On his first day in office, President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order with the goal of ‘advancing equity and racial justice through the federal government.’ Note that equity, equal outcome, was his goal not equality, equal opportunity; and whenever an adjective is inserted in front of the word justice, we no longer have it.
He was successful in infusing DEI policies into 460 programs across 24 government agencies costing tens of billions with no visibility to us taxpayers. These programs are divisive to the point of being racist and tribal, but that’s now over.
Thank you Donald Trump.
Jeffrey McConnell
West side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Paul Winger, Oro Valley
Gulf of America?
English official language?
Shouldn't it be Sea-a-Lake?
Paul Winger
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Don Gerlach, East side
Re: March 9 article "Senate votes to stop requiring notices in newspapers." Another example of government officials making it difficult to be observed and to be identified by their actions by the very people they like to brag about that they are serving. 47 must be proud of them.
Don Gerlach
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.

Ciscomani hammers voters
My Member of Congress, Juan Ciscomani (R AZ-06), today stands squarely in the center of a wicked political debris field of his own making. It will be fascinating to see when and where he tells his constituents that he is voting to cut Medicaid benefits to 253,000 people in his District and slice another 43,000 citizens from receiving SNAP food stamp assistance. Republicans call them “entitled takers, not makers.â€
Until Ciscomani discloses his decision to gut these programs, this crisis will not abate. Ciscomani has led us into a wretchedly painful abyss that reeks of incompetence.
He also supports firing 80,000 VFW hospital staff nationwide. 74,000 Veterans in his District depend on VA health care.
Why is Ciscomani so betraying? It’s because of his slavish devotion to Trump’s greasy tax cuts for the filthy rich so they can buy bigger yachts.
Congressman Ciscomani, why aren’t you supporting and voting for the people who elected you, not billionaires?
Jerry Wilkerson
St Mary’s Hospital
Forewarned is forearmed: When going to the hospital in an emergency, especially at St. Mary’s, never wear jewelry of any kind, especially a $700 Apple watch, because you will never see it again. If you have to remove your jewelry for any reason, do so before leaving home.
A sadder, but wiser, emergency room patient.
Deane Ford Rook
West side
Musk limits
Depending on the timing and who you ask, the consensus is that Elon Musk is the head of DOGE. It is reasoned that he is allowed to act as such at the behest of the president, even though he is not elected nor approved by Congress. DOGE is most difficult to define, but it basically understood to be an internal agency acting in a domestic capacity to streamline government operations. As such, the head of DOGE has no authority to opine/interact in international matters. Musk has far exceeded his role in this regard. He has touted his Starlink with implications of limiting access. He has told the pope to mind his own business. He called the minister of Poland a “small Manâ€. His transgressions are endless. They need to stop.
Brode Meyer
An informed public, not!
Re: March 9 article “Senate votes to stop requiring notices in newspapers.†Another example of government officials making it difficult to be observed and to be identified by their actions by the very people they like to brag about that they are serving; 47 must be proud of them.
Don Gerlach
East side
Third option for TEP MRP
As there seems to be a stalemate between the City of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ about the its protecting the Gateway Corridors and ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Electric Power’s insistence on overhead power lines, there is a third option.
During the November 16, 2023, public meeting at the Doubletree Inn, Clark Brynner, Manager of the Transmission Line Siting for TEP, noted that the existing 8 substations at 46 K could be replaced at the same price as the 138K TEP proposed Midtown Reliability Project. He did point out the higher cost of operations and maintenance compared to the 138K line as well as lower efficiency.
From the presented maps from TEP, most neighborhoods are in fair to good shape. It’s really the UA that has future power issues. I don’t believe the statement made at that meeting that the UA power use uses about 1.5 of the 8 substations capabilities.
The TEP MRP upgrade is really for the UA and not the neighborhoods.
Matt Somers
Thoughtless saber rattling
So, who’s gambling with World War III now? With every random, poorly thought out reaction to the Ukrainian situation in Europe, the Trump administration’s decision to reduce support to Ukraine has clearly emboldened Putin who knows his offensives will be far more effective now that Ukraine cannot “see them comingâ€. When Europe’s enemy is emboldened their anxieties and security concerns rise, tensions mount and the prospects for a broader conflict rise dramatically. Since pulling U.S. satellite data sharing from Ukrainian military intelligence the Russians have effectively murdered nearly 2 dozen people in just two days. Is this genius diplomacy? How you broker “a deal†for a cease-fire? Opposition parties love to toss out the term failed policies. If this isn’t a failed policy resulting in blood on your hands, Mr. Trump, I don’t know what is. A shameful disrespect for humanity!
John Eric Persson
Northeast side
Get with the program
Gulf of America?
English official language?
Shouldn’t it be Sea-a-Lake?
Paul Winger
Oro Valley
To fire or not to fire
The government bureaucracy is like a big forest. It grows from within. Old trees disperse seeds that grow. After a while, nature takes over, a wildfire clears out the cluttered underbrush, letting the forest thrive.
We know this to be nature taking care of itself. Man started putting out forest fires and overcrowding of forests occurred. Then subsequent fires burn so hot and fast and all is destroyed.
Cleansing is key to a prosperous life. You feel good after a good shower, you feel good after a good workout, and you feel good after cleaning out the garage. All these require an amount of effort, not all are necessarily feel-good efforts.
The government needs a haircut, a fire of somewhat in order for it to survive. If no thinning occurs, then you get a firestorm like what happened in Los Angeles. The fire burned away the dense undergrowth along with long-established luxury homes that were entrenched within.
How will this play out? If no fire, then all is lost.
Ed LeGendre
East side
What makes sense
The economy was doing reasonably well. Consumer confidence was holding up. Everything in the Western hemisphere was relatively stable, except for the fallout from “Ukraine’s invasion of Russia.†But in less than two months, you’ve managed to create your usual chaos and send us spinning toward a recession. Why? The only explanation I can think of is you got your marching orders from the Kremlin. What could possibly be a better gift for Putin?
Steven Gorenstein
Northeast side
Star misleads readers
Was no one paying attention at the Daily Star? You misled your readers when you printed a large picture of Donald Trump above an article dealing with a crisis he and his administration created. The picture made the story look flattering to Trump while the facts told a different story! Whatever could have prompted you to print the picture over the headline “Giving Increases During “’Major Crisis’�
Don Benjamin
Four years later
On his first day in office, President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order with the goal of ‘advancing equity and racial justice through the federal government.’ Note that equity, equal outcome, was his goal not equality, equal opportunity; and whenever an adjective is inserted in front of the word justice, we no longer have it.
He was successful in infusing DEI policies into 460 programs across 24 government agencies costing tens of billions with no visibility to us taxpayers. These programs are divisive to the point of being racist and tribal, but that’s now over.
Thank you, Donald Trump.
Jeffrey McConnell
West side
Ciscomani silence
I wrote to Rep. Ciscomani asking him to honor his oath of office by standing up to the Trump administration’s flagrant violations of the rule of law. I mentioned, as examples, the firing of protected workers, and the dismantling of the congressionally approved Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and USAID.
In his response, he says, “I will carefully assess any legislation related to the CFPB to determine its potential impact on our constituents and broader financial stability.†He knows full well there isn’t any such legislation before Congress. These are weasel words that say to me that he has no intention to honor his oath of office by doing anything to prevent these illegal actions. He, and apparently all other Republicans in Congress, are complicit in the illegal dismantling of government agencies that provide beneficial services to the citizens of this country. Shame on them and shame on Ciscomani.
Tom Ryan
East side
Crimes in Ukraine
The following note expressed my view to Representative Ciscomani.
Please acknowledge publicly your acceptance as truth the statement of Senator Kelly on return from Ukraine in which he described testimony of nurses describing criminal behavior of Russian troops.
He described events in which such soldiers raped and then killed Ukrainian children in front of their parents.
As you have sworn, as I did, to protect the Constitution, you cannot remain silent to such atrocities.
John Hughes
Northeast side
Trickle-down useful idiots
The U.S. is losing the cyber war with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea; losing because these enemies have successively stolen and turned our most powerful cyber weapons, developed by our own agencies, against us. No doubt any of the above states can destroy our power grid, cause air traffic to collapse or create a disaster at any nuclear plant in the country. Undoubtedly, we have similar capabilities but who would benefit most from a first strike, who would shirk from causing such a cataclysmic event?
Trump’s own useful idiot, Hegseth, has stalled any anti-Russian cyber activities lest he hurt Putin’s feelings, just as we remain more vulnerable than ever and ever mindful that the most destructive and costly global attacks in history were inflicted by Russian hackers.
Not unthinkable that disgruntled intelligence agents may choose to sell out to the other side to get even for their abrupt dismissal.
We are in a dangerous mess with this administration, and we can thank useful idiot No. 1, Donald Trump.
William Muto
Mixed messages from Democrats
We have James Carville telling Democratic congressional members to sit back and watch the Republicans make fools of themselves while they hurt the country with their policies, decisions, antics, and lies. The Democratic Party wants us to fight back, mostly by contributing money and/or participating in the occasional protest. However, many Democratic politicians seem to avoid engaging in that same fight. Senators Kelly and Gallego, is this you? This message is mixed at best, unclear at worst.
To the Democratic Party, Senators Kelly and Gallego as well as other Democratic officeholders, please refine and clarify your message that not only works for and with your supporters, but also that rallies those supporters to actively engage in the most important political period in this country since the Civil War. The survival of democracy in the United States is at stake.
Craig Whaley
Oro Valley
- Dennis Rivera, Foothills
The decision by the United States President to abandon Ukraine and our European allies to the Russian Bear is the single most dangerous and un-American act by a president in my 78 years. Ukraine is literally fighting for its life, and this president wants it to continue to bleed and be handed over to the Russians. The Russians who have always hated us and hate their Ukraine neighbors. Why does this president continue to push us into the sphere of autocracies such as Russia, China, and North Korea? Why? This is madness!
Dennis Rivera
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Douglas R. Holm, East side
At last, a guest opinion that makes some common sense: "Turnaround expert warns of Armageddon for America." The federal government has debt of $36 trillion. That's more than $100,000 for every man, women and child. The guest opinion states federal revenue increased 500% and debt increased 1,000% since 1990. This happened because politicians who try to impose fiscal discipline usually get voted out of office. Interest on the debt is now 24% of revenues. In order to keep this percentage from rising, the guest opinion said we need to consider some drastic measures. This includes reducing expenditures to the bare bones by considering only what is essential to serving the needs of our taxpayers and selling federal land and buildings. If we continue on our present irresponsible course, in the near future the dollar will have to be devalued and then we will have Armageddon.
Douglas R. Holm
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- James Dolian, SaddleBrooke
Two months into the Trump presidency, we are being treated to a daily cascade of chaos courtesy of Musk and his adolescent rabble: critical staff fired and then rehired in the Department of Energy; veterans crisis hotline staff fired; avian flu researchers fired and then rehired; funding for important scientific research summarily halted; repeated illegal actions requiring judicial intervention; and the list goes on. While we are being distracted by this circus, serious damage is being done to agencies across the federal government. Much of this damage may not become apparent for weeks or even months. In the best of circumstances well-planned and executed reductions-in-force are disruptive and adversely impact productivity. What we are being privileged to experience will undoubtedly appear as B school case studies showcasing how not to implement a reduction-in-force. Our Oro Valley and Foothills MAGA apologists are, for once, strangely silent. Perhaps there are no words.
James Dolian
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Chuck Barrett, North side
When you announced the US Mexico Canada trade deal in 2018, Donald, you trashed NAFTA as “the worst trade deal ever made,†touting your USMCA as “the most amazing deal.â€
Despite the differences between the two, one thing stayed recognizably the same.
First, $20 billion in direct subsidies and an equal sum in indirect subsidies to U.S. corn farmers. That kept farmers overproducing and prices below the cost of production. Farmers stayed afloat — though taxpayer dependent — and agribusiness flooded the market on the cheap.
Second, in Mexico, which imports more than 90% of U.S. export feed corn, the flood pushed down the price of corn by 66%, pushing Mexican farmers off their farms by the tens of millions. Mostly they went to the cities — grubbing for make-work jobs. But under NAFTA/USMCA some 8-10 million came to the U.S. desperate for work to save their families.
That’s your trade, Donald. Corn for migrants.
It’s also your DEI deal: Destruction, exploitation, injustice.
Chuck Barrett
North side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Jeffrey McConnell, West side
The Democrats' lexicon has now chosen "climate crisis" to replace "climate emergency," downgrading "climate change" which had earlier deposed "global warming" and in turn relegating "weather" into obscurity. I suppose we have adult/child Greta Thunberg to thank for this.
The Republican dictionary addresses "climate solutions" which are not found in the 2016 Paris Agreement that focused on the globalists’ desire to only redistribute wealth.
Trump instincts are correct on this issue and pretty much right on everything else. No more woke idiocy.
Jeffrey McConnell
West side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Dan Bannon, Midtown
Manipulate the stock market with tariffs, get rid of IRS investigators, ruin the DOJ,
have the Supreme Court give immunity, unlimited pardons, and easy money.
Dan Bannon
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Scotty Dean, Midtown
Let's ignore political leanings for a second -- whether federal employee headcount downsizing is required, whether trimming the federal government budget needs to be done to "right-size."
For argument's sake, assume those goals are indeed justified and required. Any first-year student in business administration, or public administration, or personnel management, will tell you the right way to reduce and trim is indeed hard work, but defaulting to the easiest way is a fool's errand. Good management does not simply announce any "3% budget cut across the board, across all departments" or "release all probationary employees because they can't fight."
Some departments are mission-critical - they should double. Others are "Legacies" -- shut them down. Some employees are RIP (retired in place) -- ease them out. As pointed out elsewhere, new employees are often the most energetic, and driven, and committed. They're tomorrow's leaders. Trump et. al. -- do the hard work.
Scotty Dean
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Hope Gastelum, East side
As usual, Mr. Johnson in Oro Valley has expressed some mind-boggling views. "Why would anyone object?" Let's see...maybe because the Musk/Trump chainsaw method has put next to zero thought into their slash-and-burn tactics. Clearly, "fraud" needs to be investigated, which equally clearly hasn't happened in this brief time frame. Waste may indeed exist in the massive government machinery (also needing closer examination, which no one objects to, Loyal), but so many of the Musk/Trump wild claims have been proven to be inaccurate or outright lies that even the right-wing Wall Street Journal won't back them up. Incidentally, we all benefit from government spending, Mr. Johnson, probably even you. I think you made a very self-revealing statement in your letter: "The uncompromising ideology of your beliefs has eliminated rational evaluation and any measure of common sense." Maybe you should think about it.
Hope Gastelum
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Chuck Cabrera, Oro Valley
Over the past year, there have been many hateful letters criticizing Donald Trump's actions. I can't speak for anyone's emotions, but I want the writer to identify the so-called falsehoods mentioned. Facts: Trump is a convicted criminal with other serious indictments which didn't get to court, he lies consistently, he is an adulterer, has exhibited racist behavior, was twice impeached and is now rejecting Zelensky and supporting Putin who initiated the invasion of the Ukraine and has been declared a war criminal by the World Court.
I dare say that many of the aforementioned letters were written by Independents (I am one), as well as McCain, Bush and Reagan Republicans, not just Democrats. How can Democrats even think about cooperating with someone whose every speech is totally divisive without any effort to bring Democrats or even open-minded Republicans into open discussion and negotiation to benefit all Americans? Who should be embarrassed and ashamed?
Chuck Cabrera
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- J Meconi, Northwest side
Social Security recipients who are overpaid after March 27th will automatically be placed at a 100% full recovery rate (rate is currently 10%). This means that regardless of who made the error, you or the government, the amount overpaid will be automatically deducted from your Scial Security until the amount is paid back. Suppose they err and say you were overpaid when you weren’t. You are on the hook until the matter is resolved. Although Social Security maintains you can contact them, 47 Social Security Administration field offices are slated for closure and 7,000 experienced employees for termination. This will result in technical outages, an interruption of benefit payments, and errors that will be very difficult to fix.
J Meconi
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Albrecht Classen, Midtown
When profiteers of unfair governmental contracts and also massive tax cuts such as Elon Musk lament the overblown federal budget, I hear the fox in the henhouse howling that there are not enough chicken for him to eat. For decades, Republicans up and down the local, state, and national administrations have pampered their super-rich donors absurdly promoting the Reaganomic mantra of ‘trickle-down’ economics. Cutting the VA administration, e.g., is adding insult to injury; our veterans have done so much for keeping our country safe, and now they are kicked to the sideline. Shame on the draft dodger Trump and other elitists. This is utterly immoral state treason deserving a third impeachment, but the Republican lemmings are in charge taking us down the abyss where Putin the hypnotist is waiting for us already. This government is trashing education, science, medicine, the environment, and the good standing of the US in the world. How much taxes does Musk, for instance, really pay? Probably much less than all of us.
Albrecht Classen
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Don Gerlach, East side
You don't understand. Donald J. Trump is playing Monopoly -- with the country, with the world. His interest is not in you, me or the country's wellbeing. His interest is in the challenge of playing the game. Simple. Dangerous.
Don Gerlach
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Wendy Anderson, Foothills
In a Feb. 19 Eastern ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Courier interview, Ciscomani showed he has quickly learned how to navigate as an unaccountable politician. Ciscomani dodged questions as follows (my comments):
- Could not agree that Ukraine did not start the war with Russia and Trump was wrong in claiming so. (Ciscomani claimed he had not seen the full interview (broadcast for 2-3 days,) and so could not comment).
- Excused his prior support of Ukraine funding because he didn't think the war would last so long.
- Agreed Ukraine war is a National Security issue but because we have invested so much (not because the security of our Allies is threatened).
- Claimed trimming costs analytically takes too long to eradicate “fraud and abuseâ€.
Ciscomani claims he is working for ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ns and opposes cuts to Pell grants, Medicaid etc. Watch how he votes on the budget and legislation. No longer bipartisan!
See for more.
Wendy Anderson
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Ronald Eustice, Northwest side
A trade war between Canada and the USA will result in billions of dollars of lost revenue to each country and seriously damage an already strained relationship between two great friends. The price of consumer goods will rise accordingly. The amount of fentanyl entering the US from Canada annually is 0.02 of all fentanyl confiscated at our borders ... 43 pounds per year. The amount is still too much but has not risen. Remember it was confiscated and not distributed. Over ninety seven percent of fentanyl is entering the US from Mexico and some of that is then moving from the US to Canada. While the drug is deadly and every ounce needs to be eliminated, it appears that our governments are doing a decent job of dealing with this "massive" problem. Continued cooperation and rigid enforcement is essential. Why should we all suffer because the root cause of the controversy is that Trump wants to humiliate and antagonize Trudeau?
Ronald Eustice
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Sally Wasielewski, East side
The recent article warning of financial Armageddon is based on the fundamental flawed premise that government should be nothing more than a well-run business. The problem with that line is that business has one motive: profit. Values such as environmental stewardship, use of public lands for recreation, protecting the public from financial scams, adulterated food, unsafe air travel and many others must yield to the god of profit. That being said, government does require revenue -- taxes. The writer of the article does not want more taxes, undercutting his premise that the budget has to be balanced. Trump has surrounded himself with billionaires. Let them start paying their fair share and there will be no Armageddon and no need for the theatrics and manipulation of the stock market now unfolding on the daily Trump show.
Sally Wasielewski
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Alan Rubens, Northeast side
President Musk and Flip-Flopper In Chief Trump say that in order to improve government you have to wreck it.
They are committing hideous governmental malpractice.
Musk is like a surgeon who cuts open a patient's abdomen and mucks around in it before getting a proper history and diagnostic imaging.
He looks in, sees a spleen and removes it thinking, "I can always put it back." He takes out a kidney "because who needs both?" Then he fishes around the abdomen with an ungloved hand before closing up.
Horrible malpractice, because the poor, now critically ill, patient needed only a proper diagnosis, a laxative and a high fiber diet for constipation.
Alan Rubens
Northeast side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- A. L. Miles, Green Valley
Re: the Loyal republican's statements in today's LTE, 1. Democrats have never advocated an open border without vetting. 2. Democrats believe criminals should be held accountable for crimes, including 1/6/21 criminals 3. Taxpayers provide money for the Feds and believe money should be returned to them via agencies created by Congress 4. Audits and oversight were done by agency and department watchdogs fired by Trump 5. No one is "promoting" the very small number of trans men to compete against women 6. Sorry test scores in AZ are a disgrace to be laid at the feet of state Republicans who are responsible for the corresponding sorry educational budget favoring private and religious schools over public schools and teachers 7. Democrats do not support the harassment of Jews -- nor do you see Nazi salutes from Democratic politicians. As a retired Army officer and Vietnam vet, I'm disgusted by the right wing pandering to the Putin-Trump ticket and the drivel produced by their defenders and would like my country back.
A. L. Miles
Green Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Roger Shanley, East side
The zone-flooding actions of President Trump and Elon Musk remind me of a long, intertwined line of dominos. With the tip of the first domino, a rapid, uncontrollable cascade results. Trump and Musk’s actions have resulted in such a chaotic toppling. But the dominoes reflect people’s lives and futures. Ukrainian citizens and soldiers, support staff plus those receiving USAID, and tariff-stricken countries like Mexico and Canada have felt the ill-conceived outcomes of the impetuous mandates. Hopefully, resistance will continue to mount in courts and international leadership, curtailing this barrage of short-sighted leadership.
Roger Shanley
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Melody Sears, North side
Trump has suspended satellite imagery services to Ukraine, the latest move to, in essence, rig the game for Russia. Ukrainian soldiers rely on this satellite information to find enemy positions and troop movements, plan safe vehicle routes, and avoid destroyed areas. Is it any wonder that Ukrainian soldiers have called this dastardly move "treachery, not politics"? Mr. Trump continues to favor Russia, as if Ukraine were the instigator who started this war.
No, Donald, Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia started this war. And you, Donald, seems to be in thrall to Putin. Putin's Puppet, perhaps?
Melody Sears
North side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Robert Bishop, East side
There have been some remarkable real estate deals made in this country. In 1629, the Lenape tribe sold 22.8 sq. mi. Manhattan Island to the Dutch West India Company for a modest $24.00. In 1803, the US paid France $15 million for the 828,000 sq. mi. Louisiana Purchase. The U.S. paid Mexico $10 million in 1854 for the Gadsden Purchase, an area 29,670 sq. mi. in size. In 1867, Russia sold all 665,400 sq. mi. of Alaska to the US for a mere $7.2 million.
And in 2024, voters sold the US, a country 3,796, 742 sq. mi. in size, to Donald Trump for the price of a dozen eggs. The Art of the Deal for sure.
Robert Bishop
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Karen Papagapitos, Northwest side
Our daughter went to Harvard, Class of 2003.
She was not a legacy as her father, my ex-husband, graduated from NYU and I from the University of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥. She got in on her own merit it seems.
The letter writer thinks one reason tech-savvy MIT surpasses Harvard is partly because Harvard favors legacy over innovation in student recruitment.
Personally, I think it’s sad that MIT students cannot share fun stories of Harvard students assembling an entire car atop a school building …like those techy MIT
devils … while home with their families during breaks.
Our daughter shared many such fun MIT stories during her breaks. She also shared wonderful stories of her Harvard professors instilling in her and her peers what it takes to create a better world. And I’m proud to say she is. Just as John F. Kennedy -- also a Harvard alum -- did.
I’ll give MIT points for innovation. it’s hard to beat a reassembled car atop a building.
Karen Papagapitos
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- John Barringer, Midtown
I propose an open, public, in person, verbal debate be arranged between Star contributors Loyal M. Johnson, Jr. of Oro Valley, and Gerald Farrington of Saddlebrook; admission to said debate to be a pledge from each attendee to rigorously fact check and apply reasoned judgment to the arguments made by each of the debaters.
John Barringer
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.

Prop 414 goes down in flames
It always amazes me how people vote the way big money tells them to vote. In this case, big money came from the Chamber of Commerce and New Car Dealers Association. They said vote No, and we followed their instructions by a 70-30 margin.
I heard the words “regressive tax†from folks that had never used that phrase before 2025. Not once.
But you get what you pay for. The funds we already know we won’t be getting from state and federal sources cannot be replaced by local sources either. The voters have spoken. We are expected to do without.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
John Yoakum
Forest fires out of control
Thanks to reading Ed LeGendre’s LTE, I was educated about how wildfires cleanse the forest and the million-dollar homes it takes along with it like in L.A., and that’s a good thing. Why Ed feels this is what’s good for the federal government is another story. He thanks the fool and his flying monkey for clearing out the underbrush. No one wants waste and abuse in our government. Ed feels it’s more important to get rid of the bureaucracy like inspectors general that have spent their careers overseeing government waste, fraud and abuse, because without the fire, “all is lost.†What about the billions of dollars Biden’s IRS pulled in from wealthy taxpayers who were just waiting for Trump to give them another tax break? The fire the muskrat and #47 started may end up burning down the government and our nation. We need firefighters.
John Bingham
Northwest side
$12 billion ‘climate change crap’
Secretary Hegseth said, “DOD does not do climate change crap. We do training and warfighting.†Interestingly, a flood in 2019 devastated Offutt AFB (HQ of Strategic Command) and the base has not completely been repaired yet with a cost at least $2.6 billion. Flooding at Parris Island, S.C. Marine Corps training facility, shut down training Marines over the years at a repair cost of $4.7 billion. The Marine Corps has considered closing Parris Island because of flooding. Hurricane Helene severely damaged Tyndall AFB, where F-35 pilots are trained and a repair cost of $4.9 billion was needed. A total of $12.2 billion needed for three extreme storm events. I guess Secretary Hegseth does not know of what he speaks. Climate change is not crap. Climate change is a national security threat.
William Jones
East side
‘A lens on life’
Kudos to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Star for its front-page article on Photographer Jack Dykinga.
Jack’s Chicago Pulitzer prize at age 28 speaks for itself. Chicago’s loss was ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥â€™s gain.
Jack’s photography has splashed the pages of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Highways and National Geographic for many years.
He is truly the Ansel Adams of desert photography.
In his old camper, he has captured the beauty of the desert’s early dawn.
His photo “Stone Canyon†was selected as one of “40 Best Nature Photographs of all time†by the International League of Conservation Photographers.
If DNA is never wrong, Jack’s photographic lens is never wrong, as it captures the essence of the beautiful.
As John Muir loved nature, so too has Jack followed with his camera.
His lung transplant was truly miraculous.
His book “A Photographers Life†is one of my favorites and has a permanent place on my coffee table.
Jack Dykinga personifies a professional life well lived. May he bless us with his talent for many years to come.
Tom McGorray
Northwest side
MAGA ‘lessons’ — no thanks
Where does one find the “Republican dictionary†mentioned in the “Vocabulary lessons†letter of March 11? I bet it contains some unique definitions, including how the MAGA mind defines “woke.†Did anyone else laugh (or gag) at seeing the statement, “Trump’s instincts are correct on this {climate change, no less!} and pretty much right on everything else.†Truly unbelievable. Trump’s instincts are geared to venal self-interest and self-aggrandizement. He presents as a deceitful, bullying child devoid of any concept of public service or awareness of how his chaotic actions affect others. This same promoter of the “Republican dictionary†has recently wept over taxpayer dollars spent on DEI. I wonder if he ever shed a tear for the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers who died needlessly due to Trump’s grotesquely self-serving mishandling of the Covid pandemic? Did he say thank you to Donald Trump for that as well?
Victor Gastelum
East side
Trump warning, again
With my education in abnormal psychology, I tried to warn readers about Trump’s mental disorders during his first term. Many psychologists have done the same, since that time. They tried to tell people who he really was, but few listened.
Now, he is again threatening Canada to succumb to his wishes of being a 51st state. This was looked at as a joke by most people at first, but now it‘s being seen as serious talk. Besides his Machiavellianism, sadism and NPD, he is a covetous sociopath (ASPD), obsessed with obtaining things in which he does not already possess. He sees nothing wrong with threatening Canada to acquire their land. The reason for this is that he has no conscience, but this also reflects his Machiavellianism. His psychologist niece, Mary Trump, titled her book about him, “Too Much and Never Enough†for a reason.
There have been leaders in history with a similar conglomeration of mental abnormalities compared with Trump, and the results were disastrous. 25th Amendment, now!
Steve Rasmussen
USAID shredding
I am no conspiracy buff, so only a thief and/or a liar demands that records from a government agency be destroyed. Yes, of course, there was some fraud. There is fraud everywhere: used parts sold as new; jacked up prices for repairs; “discounts†for materials; incorrect labels; generic drugs that contain other ingredients; and so on. However, to ask employees to shred or burn documents at the request of a DOGE “investigator†in a federal agency tells me that the investigation itself is questionable and rife with deception. Time to put a stop to this witch hunt and examine the issues before destroying the whole system.
Cynthia Schiesel
East side
Republican time warp
Republicans have created their own time warp and totally ceded the power of Congress to Trump. In order for Trump to impose his insane tariffs, he declared a National Economic Emergency. This emergency can be ended by a vote of Congress within 15 days of the vote being proposed. Democrats called for a vote, and the Republicans changed the calendar. From now and to the end of the 119th Congress, the remaining months shall be counted as one day.
No Republican wants to be held accountable by voting to end Trump’s disastrous tariffs. They would rather their constituents suffer the effects of Trump tanking the economy than say no him. Remember this the next election cycle as the country slides into a recession. You can’t blame Biden for this.
Mary Zimmerman
Education Dept. abolition
Another great idea. Abolish the Dept. Of Education. Have the states do the work. There are over 13,200 Education Distrcts in the U.S. What a bonanza for pollsters. They’ll be racing to establish 13,200 standards for academic excellence. Certainly better than having one set at the national level. Think of the jobs that will be created.
Kenneth Haber
Northwest side
Speak out for others
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects our freedom of speech and our freedom of assembly.
On March 8, Federal officials arrested green card holder Mahmoud Khalil, seemingly for protesting civilian deaths in Gaza.
German pastor Martin Niemoller’s exhorted us to protest government persecutions:
First, they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Niemoller tells us to speak out for others.
Now is the time to speak out for yourself and others when our government persecutes people for exercising their constitutional rights.
Mari Jensen
Click your heels
While perusing my own backyard (with the help of the Star) I came across yet another piece by the Word Wizard of Oz, George Will. In it, he chided Americans for feeling “entitledâ€, opined how the working class has long been incapable of “creative†thought and urged “patience†to save democracy. It was not clear what we need to be patient about though. Apparently, the man who helped bring us the first TV star President, does not want us to look behind the curtain at what the Trump administration is actually doing. This Dorothy has no intention of laying back and enjoying it while Musk and his flying monkeys pillage and rape our government systems and we the people. My plea to the Editor is that you stick with local columnists because George Will has spent way too much time in hair and makeup at Fox ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ and let’s be honest, nobody likes him.
Sherry Ivester
Prop 414 joke
Imagine my surprise when I read the results that Prop 414, a tax increase, failed by overwhelming voter disapproval. Is it possible with the liberal leadership in the City mayor and Council being in favor? But alas, the voters have learned from the discoveries of the Trump Administration regarding the wasteful spending of liberal leadership. Now that the voters have stepped in and put a stop to the misappropriation, perhaps someone that is not biased should start the process of finding out what happened to the money in the first place. The Fire Dept. and Police Dept. both had approved budgets that were suddenly in need of funding to cover the missing money, so the question is simple: “Where did the money go and who moved it?†Is it possible that the city administrators decided to shift money to personal agendas and then needed more money to cover the shortage? Who can be trusted to identify what happened to the money without hiding the results?
Loran Hancock
Northwest side
Congress has oversight of tariffs
The U.S. President’s power to set tariffs on imported goods derives from Congressional delegation of authority through various statutes. While the Constitution grants Congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and impose duties Congress has delegated some of this authority to the President through laws such as:
— The President can impose tariffs if imports threaten national security;
— The President can impose tariffs in response to unfair trade practices by other countries;
— The President can regulate trade during a national emergency;
— The President can adjust tariffs in cases of unfair competition;
— The President can negotiate tariff reductions with other nations.
While these statutes provide the legal basis for tariffs, the President’s actions can still be subject congressional oversight. If you believe that these tariffs will ignite inflation and push our economy into recession, then call or email Representative Juan Ciscomani and get Congress to act.
Thomas Hefley
East side
Ignorance about education
47 shows that he has little appreciation for or understanding of the role — the value — of education in people’s lives. He doesn’t know that the purpose of education is more than getting a high-paying job. More than rising to a high position in life. While those may be admirable pursuits, there is so much more to life, and education can help to make that available. Children are sent to school to become good and knowledgeable citizens of the local community as well as the world community. Without a good education, they can miss the opportunity to be informed and to reach their full potential and will likely remain in a state of uncertainty and bias based on being uninformed, a lack of knowledge. Education deserves positive attention at the highest level. Methinks 47 is coming after the teacher’s union. Another denial of power of the people except through him.
Don Gerlach
East side
Cutting government costs
Trump when he was first elected stated he “wouldn’t have as much time to golf†as Obama. He’d be too busy governing. His first term cost taxpayers $151 million for his golfing. So far this year over $18 million. With the average income in this country being $39k, that’s a lot of ordinary salaries for his diversion. It means fiscal responsibility and cutting expenses doesn’t extend to him and billionaire friends. Per Marie Antoinette, “Let them eat cake.â€
Craig Miller
Northwest side
Losing at every level
Prop 414 got voted down by 70% of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ city voters, who have a 2-1 Democrat voter advantage in the city. Prop 414 would have sent about 66% of the expected $80 million per year raised by the higher tax to public safety needs (police and fire). About 34% would have gone to address issues related to affordable housing, homelessness and other social needs. Even the large majority of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Democratic voters didn’t buy it.
Prop 414 is emblematic of the Democratic Party’s failing policies at federal, state and local levels. The federal level is obvious. The Republicans control everything, even the conservative bent of the Supreme Court. State level has Republicans flipping 4 Democratic Senate seats in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Montana. Local hits home here at Prop 414.
You liberal folks here better start paying attention. You’re supporting losing policies and are losing everywhere. Start with kicking to the curb DEI and boys in girls sports.
Steve Sollenberger
How a con man works
The con man gains your confidence by telling you that he understands you. He knows your feelings. He knows you have been taken advantage of, even if you were not aware of that yourself. He knows how to fix things for you. In fact, he is the only one who can fix it. When the fix doesn’t work he has many excuses why it is not his fault. He is never wrong and has many explanations about who is to blame.
He did everything he could because he cares about you. The others don’t care about you. They have been actively working to hurt you for years even though you didn’t know that they were.
Despite all the failure, the con man always gets what he wants. He says it’s only fair because he has worked so hard to help you, even at his own expense. All the money and power goes to the con man, and you get nothing.
Martin Carl
Southwest side
Four years later with Trump?
Mr. McConnell, I suggest that you review the definitions and/or descriptions of the terms you use before describing the actions of presidents Biden and Trump. I will pick four of the terms you used in your recent letter.
Equality basically means to basically treat everyone the same. Equal opportunity attempts to ensure that everyone (no matter their background) has the same opportunities to achieve success. Equity is the fair and impartial treatment of everyone. Racial justice is described as the systematic fair treatment of all people no matter what their racial background that results in equitable opportunities for all.
I would argue that President Biden made the effort to achieve equality, equal opportunity, equity, and racial justice because these things are desired by most people, no matter their racial background. However, President Trump has never shown any interest in these things as an individual, business owner, or president.
Craig Whaley
Oro Valley
- Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross, Utah
It’s bad enough that Trump is taking the presidency along the path of personal dictatorship. It’s worse that a torrent of newspapers, tech corporations, judges, military brass, universities, priests and pastors are converting to his anti-republican gospel.
Even those leading the opposition have become weak-kneed and self-protective rather than community-minded and patriotic.
The reason for the evaporation of conscience is the cancer of acquisitiveness, the desire for riches, stature, power to come quickly by force.
ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥papers practice censorship, corporations push monopoly, professionals hide behind gated walls, celebrities flip-flop like politicians, politicians become demons of unrighteousness, the handsome and stunningly beautiful become cankered and ugly, the smiling exude only frowns born of confusion and lethargy.
Good has left the high ground to make way for a rising flood of evil and foolish pride.
America has quit sanity, health, education, law, Constitution, family, citizenship and country, all to fulfill the vision of “America First,†which is just another name for people’s government last.
Kimball Shinkoskey
Woods Cross, Utah
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Ila Abernathy, Midtown
U.S. farmers are the primary source of USAID grains and other crops. The Agency spends “around $2.1 billion annually to provide food aid worldwide ... American farmers are now left without some of their most dependable income.†-- Better World Campaign.
An unelected appointee of the Executive Branch instigated the abrupt illegal closure of USAID, established by Congress and funded by Congress.
Please ask ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ senators and your U.S. representative to curb executive excesses and reestablish USAID, which adds stability, disease protection, and development services worldwide. Positive in-country support also counters irregular migration.
Episcopal Bishop of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Jennifer Reddall indicates USAID-supplied HIV medications in Africa enable 20 million people to live meaningful, productive lives. St. Michael’s Episcopal (ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥) adds that 5800 USAID contracts have been terminated, affecting more than 53 million people.
Bishop Reddall asks: “Where is Christ in this? ... Those of us who follow Jesus are called to raise our voices on behalf of life-giving and life-sustaining work for our siblings around the globe.â€
Ila Abernathy
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Loran Hancock, Northwest side
Are you one of the people that laughed at the collapse of Bud Light when they merged with Dylan Mulvaney to promote the beer brand while ignoring the consumer while promoting a woke agenda? It took forever for the people at Anheuser Busch to admit the mistake of the relationship and return to serving the consumer with the only problem being that the consumer didn't forgive and forget. While Bud Light was collapsing, a new entry in the beer market got started by promoting themselves as Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right Beer, because this beer was anti-woke (since Bud Light was ultra LEFT this new beer was ULTRA RIGHT). Bud Light changed directions and wants to be forgiven but the consumer was more disgusted than forgiving so the only option for Bud Light was to force the Ultra Right into bankruptcy by filing a lawsuit over the use of the word "ULTRA." When a loser doesn't have integrity, they resort to liberal left tactics. Boycott Bud Light.
Loran Hancock
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Craig Whaley, Oro Valley
Mr. McConnell, I suggest that you review the definitions and/or descriptions of the terms you use before describing the actions of Presidents Biden and Trump. I will pick four of the terms you used in your recent letter.
Equality basically means to basically treat everyone the same. Equal opportunity attempts to ensure that everyone (no matter their background) has the same opportunities to achieve success. Equity is the fair and impartial treatment of everyone. Racial justice is described as the systematic fair treatment of all people no matter what their racial background that results in equitable opportunities for all.
I would argue that President Biden made the effort to achieve equality, equal opportunity, equity, and racial justice because these things are desired by most people, no matter their racial background. However, President Trump has never shown any interest in these things as an individual, business owner, or president.
Craig Whaley
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Mari Jensen, Midtown
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects our freedom of speech and our freedom of assembly.
On March 8, Federal officials arrested green-card holder Mahmoud Khalil, seemingly for protesting civilian deaths in Gaza.
German pastor Martin Niemoller’s exhorted us to protest government persecutions:
First they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Niemoller tells us to speak out for others.
Now is the time to speak out for yourself and others when our government persecutes people for exercising their constitutional rights.
Mari Jensen
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Mary Zimmerman, SaddleBrooke
Republicans have created their own time warp and totally ceded the power of Congress to Trump. In order for Trump to impose his insane tariffs, he declared a National Economic Emergency. This emergency can be ended by a vote of Congress within 15 days of the vote being proposed. Democrats called for a vote and the Republicans changed the calendar. From now and to the end of the 119th Congress, the remaining months shall be counted as one day.
No Republican wants to be held accountable by voting to end Trump's disastrous tariffs. They would rather their constituents suffer the effects of Trump tanking the economy than say no him. Remember this the next election cycle as the country slides into a recession. You can't blame Biden for this.
Mary Zimmerman
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Cynthia Schiesel, East side
I am no conspiracy buff, so only a thief and/or a liar demands that records from a government agency be destroyed. Yes, of course, there was some fraud. There is fraud everywhere: used parts sold as new; jacked up prices for repairs; "discounts" for materials; incorrect labels; generic drugs that contain other ingredients; and so on. However, to ask employees to shred or burn documents at the request of a DOGE "investigator" in a federal agency tells me that the investigation itself is questionable and rife with deception. Time to put a stop to this witch hunt and examine the issues before destroying the whole system.
Cynthia Schiesel
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Victor Gastelum, East side
Where does one find the "Republican dictionary" mentioned in the "Vocabulary lessons" letter of 3/11? I bet it contains some unique definitions, including how the MAGA mind defines "woke." Did anyone else laugh (or gag) at seeing the statement, "Trump's instincts are correct on this {climate change, no less!} and pretty much right on everything else." Truly unbelievable. Trump's instincts are geared to venal self-interest and self-aggrandizement. He presents as a deceitful, bullying child devoid of any concept of public service or awareness of how his chaotic actions affect others. This same promoter of the "Republican dictionary" has recently wept over taxpayer dollars spent on DEI. I wonder if he ever shed a tear for the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers who died needlessly due to Trump's grotesquely self-serving mishandling of the Covid pandemic? Did he say thank you to Donald Trump for that as well?
Victor Gastelum
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- William Jones, East side
Secretary Hegseth said “DOD does not do climate change crap. We do training and warfighting.†Interestingly, a flood in 2019 devastated Offutt AFB (HQ of Strategic Command) and the base has not completely been repaired yet with a cost at least $2.6 billion. Flooding at Parris Island, S.C. Marine Corps training facility, shut down training Marines over the years at a repair cost of $4.7 billion. The Marine Corps has considered closing Parris Island because of flooding. Hurricane Helene severely damaged Tyndall AFB where F-35 pilots are trained and a repair cost of $4.9 billion was needed. A total of $12.2 billion needed for three extreme storm events. I guess Secretary Hegseth does not know of what he speaks. Climate change is not crap. Climate change is a national security threat.
William Jones
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- John Bingham, Northwest side
Thanks to reading Ed LeGendre's LTE I was educated about how wildfires cleanse the forest and the million-dollar homes it takes along with it like in LA and that's a good thing. Why Ed feels this is what's good for the federal government is another story. He thanks the fool and his flying monkey for clearing out the underbrush. No one wants waste and abuse in our government. Ed feels it's more important to get rid of the bureaucracy like inspectors general that have spent their careers overseeing government waste, fraud and abuse, because without the fire, "all is lost." What about the billions of dollars Biden's IRS pulled in from wealthy taxpayers who were just waiting for Trump to give them another tax break? The fire the muskrat and #47 started may end up burning down the government and our nation. We need firefighters.
John Bingham
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Steve Sollenberger, Foothills
Prop 414 got voted down by 70% of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ city voters, who have a 2-1 Democrat voter advantage in the city. Prop 414 would have sent about 66% of the expected $80 million per year raised by the higher tax to public safety needs (police and fire). About 34% would have gone to address issues related to affordable housing, homelessness and other social needs. Even the large majority of ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ Democratic voters didn't buy it.
Prop 414 is emblematic of the Democratic Party's failing policies at federal, state and local levels. The federal level is obvious. The Republicans control everything, even the conservative bent of the Supreme Court. State level has Republicans flipping 4 Democratic Senate seats in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Montana. Local hits home here at Prop 414.
You liberal folks here better start paying attention. You're supporting losing policies and are losing everywhere. Start with kicking to the curb DEI and boys in girls sports.
Steve Sollenberger
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Thomas Hefley, East side
The U.S. President’s power to set tariffs on imported goods derives from Congressional delegation of authority through various statutes. While the Constitution grants Congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and impose duties Congress has delegated some of this authority to the President through laws such as:
-the President can impose tariffs if imports threaten national security;
-the President can impose tariffs in response to unfair trade practices by other countries;
-the President can regulate trade during a national emergency;
-the President can adjust tariffs in cases of unfair competition;
-the President can negotiate tariff reductions with other nations.
While these statutes provide the legal basis for tariffs, the President’s actions can still be subject congressional oversight. If you believe that these tariffs will ignite inflation and push our economy into recession then call or email Representative Juan Ciscomani and get Congress to act.
Thomas Hefley
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Craig Miller, Northwest side
Trump when he was first elected stated he "wouldn't have as much time to golf" as Obama. He'd be too busy governing. His first term cost taxpayers $151 million for his golfing. So far this year over $18 million. With the average income in this country being $39k, that's a lot of ordinary salaries for his diversion. it means fiscal responsibility and cutting expenses doesn't extend to him and billionaire friends. Per Marie Antoinette, "Let them eat cake."
Craig Miller
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Martin Carl, Southwest side
The con man gains your confidence by telling you that he understands you. He knows your feelings. He knows you have been taken advantage of, even if you were not aware of that yourself. He knows how to fix things for you. In fact, he is the only one who can fix it. When the fix doesn’t work he has many excuses why it is not his fault. He is never wrong and has many explanations about who is to blame.
He did everything he could because he cares about you. The others don’t care about you. They have been actively working to hurt you for years even though you didn’t know that they were.
Despite all the failure, the con man always gets what he wants. He says it’s only fair because he has worked so hard to help you, even at his own expense. All the money and power goes to the con man, and you get nothing.
Martin Carl
Southwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Don Gerlach, East side
47 shows that he has little appreciation for or understanding of the role -- the value -- of education in people's lives. He doesn't know that the purpose of education is more than getting a high-paying job. More than rising to a high position in life. While those may be admirable pursuits, there is so much more to life, and education can help to make that available. Children are sent to school to become good and knowledgeable citizens of the local community as well as the world community. Without a good education, they can miss the opportunity to be informed and to reach their full potential and will likely remain in a state of uncertainty and bias based on being uninformed, a lack of knowledge. Education deserves positive attention at the highest level. Methinks 47 is coming after the teacher's union. Another denial of power of the people except through him.
Don Gerlach
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Kenneth Haber, Northwest side
Another great idea. Abolish the Dept. Of Education. Have the states do the work. There are over 13,200 Education Distrcts in the U.S. What a bonanza for pollsters. They'll be racing to establish 13,200 standards for academic excellence. Certainly better than having one set at the national level. Think of the jobs that will be created.
Kenneth Haber
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Steve Rasmussen, Foothills
With my education in abnormal psychology, I tried to warn readers about Trump’s mental disorders during his first term. Many psychologists have done the same, since that time. They tried to tell people who he really was but few listened.
Now he is again threatening Canada to succumb to his wishes of being a 51st state. This was looked at as a joke by most people at first, but now it‘s being seen as serious talk. Besides his Machiavellianism, sadism and NPD, he is a covetous sociopath (ASPD), obsessed with obtaining things in which he does not already possess. He sees nothing wrong with threatening Canada to acquire their land. The reason for this is that he has no conscience, but this also reflects his Machiavellianism. His psychologist niece, Mary Trump titled her book about him, “Too Much and Never Enough†for a reason.
There have been leaders in history with a similar conglomeration of mental abnormalities compared with Trump, and the results were disastrous. 25th Amendment, now!
Steve Rasmussen
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
- Barbara Benjamin, Foothills
So-called Christians are calling for Trump to allow Israel to annex the West Bank. Hopefully Israeli and Jewish leaders will recognize that the goal is to bring on armageddon. Their goal is surely not because they care for Israel or Jews, for such an action will result in the loss of what little support Israel has from her Arab neighbors and more Israeli bloodshed.
Barbara Benjamin
Disclaimer: As submitted to the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥.
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