Lock your love and throw away the key at one of the Lock Your Love hearts along Fourth Avenue.

Valentine's shmalentine's! Show your dedication to someone by locking your love on a sculpture for all of ֱ to see— because no one needs more roses and chocolates.

As far as grand gestures go, this is as grand as it gets: Buy a lock, decorate it with your loved one, lock it and throw away the key, all while supporting a local nonprofit.

If you've ever ventured down Fourth Avenue, you may have noticed the metal sculptures — some shaped as hearts, others as circles and even a skull — either filled with locks or not. Right now, there are seven sculptures. After this weekend there will be eight.

This heart sculpture, near Haggerty Plaza on Fourth Avenue, is full of love.

Want to add a lock to the sculpture? Here's how:

1. Pick a local nonprofit

You can find, the, , Ի camped out near the sculptures.

2. Buy a lock from that nonprofit

Or bring your own, but where's the fun in that? The locks are only $5 and the money goes toward the local cause.

3. Decorate the lock with love

Personalize it or leave it as is, but it will be on that sculpture for a long time.

4. Lock it on the sculpture and throw away the key

We hope your relationship stays as strong as your lock.

After all that, head toHaggerty Plaza for karaoke, crafts and fry bread.Or take advantage of all the deals in Fourth Avenue shops and restaurants. You can get20 percent off all Valentine's Day items/candles from . Maybe you want pretty nails —new clients get 25 percent off their first service at . Check out the full list of activities and deals .

If you go


When: Saturday, Feb. 11, 2-6 p.m.

Where: Along Fourth Avenue.

Cost: $5 per lock.

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