Attention all wizards and magical creatures, today

To muggles, this day might seem terribly ordinary, but for us wizards it's a day to celebrate our favorite "boy who lived" and his BFF, J.K Rowling,ÌýÌý

In honor of this, we're here to tell you all of the reasons why you're magical — because there is no way you can live in the desert without developing a power or two.

You can can predict a storm just by smelling the air.

Creosote branch

It could be the creosote, or your wizard abilities.

Your hair might resemble Hermione's during monsoon season.

Embrace the volume.

You magically wear sandals year round.

How do you do that?!

You've gotten an acceptance letter to ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥'s Hogwarts


How else are you going to refine those wizardry skills?

The gila monster is your Patronus.

Gila monster seen along a trail at Ventana Canyon.

Fun fact: The Apache Indian Tribe believed gila monsters bring death.

You kind of hope a dementor will fly by just so you can cool off.

It's an icy kind of feeling not known to us during the summer.

You share the desert with strange giants.

They're both gentle and prickly.

You identify with Niffler on a spiritual level.

Gotta love that money mole!

4th Avenue is your Hogsmeade

Eegees is your "Felix Felicis"

How can you not be in the best mood ever with an eggees in your hand? Double points if it's Lucky Lime.

"Accio sunblock!"

A sun-burnt wizard is not a happy wizard.

You've ordered a round of Harry Potter shots at Club Congress.

It's like looking into the Goblet of Fire.

Your wand is made of mesquite with a hawk feather core.

That's how you know you're a true dweller of the desert.

A bobcat is your magical companion.

Shane Smith sent in this photo taken in early August 2014 of kittens.

It's the desert version of Crookshanks really.

You've made some really great friends here.

Love and friendship is the most powerful magic you will ever find. No wonder you're such a great wizard.

Your contribution helps our team bring you stories that keep you connected to the community.